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Joe Miner

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Everything posted by Joe Miner

  1. Agreed. But on the other side, it's nice to see the school's administrators acting in an adult manner in this situation. They could have just canceled whatever music even this was, and dealt with the emails, whiny students, and the other crap. But instead, they made the wise decision to escalate the matter unnecessarily by not allowing this girl on some frivolous student association that wouldn't really have made a difference in the outcome of anything because she called them douchebags. And at the end of the day, it likely ended up with some extra court costs to defend this unnecessary position. Good job on both sides (parents included). Seems like my parents would have beaten the **** outta me had I publicly called the schools administrators douchebags, even if they were completely wrong. Ahh the good ol' days.
  2. Something tells me a good portion of PPP didn't do so well on the SAT's.
  3. Are the salad spoons allowed? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4BWHEkAqmc
  4. Never trust one of those Caeserian bastards. They're always looking for the easy way out.
  5. Becoming? That ship sailed long ago.
  6. Let's say we eliminate the defense budget. Does that fix anything?
  7. Perhaps before we start crying for taxes to be raised we could start collecting them a bit more efficiently: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704621304576267113524583554.html
  8. Yeah, obviously it's a revenue problem. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704621304576267113524583554.html
  9. Are you really a moron, or is it just a slow Monday and you decided to try to stir the pot?
  10. Oh man...gov't porn. It'd be like the MRE, only for porn...
  11. Same dark stinky place his head is.
  12. I wouldn't say I was smarter than him. I'm sure he'd know you were a dumber than dog**** partisan hack as well.
  13. It's been explained to you several times. So you're either dumber than dog**** Or You're such a partisan hack that you refuse to acknowledge anything that disagrees with whatever stupidity you're spouting. Or In all likelihood, both.
  14. No, what it's actually done is put raising the debt limit in real jeopardy, and pretty well guaranteed that there will be no hint of any compromises in the future.
  15. Yeah, making ****ty cars is the much more in depth analysis of the situation.
  16. How does money from the Gov't fix Detroit's problems exactly?
  17. So how exactly do you go about cutting spending to Medicare and Medicaid, two programs that are unsustainable at current spending levels, without cutting some benefits or passing the cost off to someone else? Since this is a budget proposal and not a bill focused solely on Medicare and Medicaid, what bold moves do you expect?
  18. That's what I keep thinking. Even if the Democratic judge wins...why wouldn't the Republicans just pass the bill again now that the 14 retards are back in the state? I don't see it really making a difference which judge wins. It's probably just a way to keep this story in the news, and to try to keep people fired up about it. I'm sure one of the resident tards will be along shortly to validate my opinion.
  19. So SF bought rented themselves something to look pretty for the next 6 years... How cute.
  20. Depends what day you asked that question. Good thing we've learned our lesson, and enacted all this change we wanted.
  21. But how is what we're doing going to accomplish that? We're pulling back our forces and giving up the lead, so if that is the goal, how are our current and past actions making that happen? There seems to be a disconnect between that goal and our actions.
  22. But we're not trying to capture or kill Gaddafi. And we're not sure what we need to do to get him to step down. So...what's the goal?
  23. I would like to hear what he has to say about not cutting much from the Defense budget. But even if he had cut twice as much as Obama's commission recommended from the Defense budget, there would be a public posturing fight. Republicans on the side of fiscal conservatism and saving our grandchildren, and Democrats on the side of looking out for the little guy instead of big business. The bill won't get passed, but at least something is out there. Could it be better? Sure. Will it end up worse? Definitely.
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