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Joe Miner

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Everything posted by Joe Miner

  1. You know what's worse than intellectuals? Pseudo-intellectuals Good thing we don't have any of those around here...
  2. Wonder what was so special around Oct 10, 2010 for Gringo? 7/15/2011 9:15 PM It'll be pretty close to the due date, what with the full moon and all.
  3. Way to go you partisan hack. You intentionally left out the part where Obama single handidly dispatched a dozen of Bin Laden's heavily armed cyborg guards and then after being wounded by some shrapnel, and unarmed, wrestled away one of Bin Laden's many guns and shot him. Later test reports also show that Bin Laden had been on the cream and the clear, and had bulked up to 450 lbs, and now stood at 8 feet tall with a beard that was 4 feet long. Obama also saved a puppy on his way into the compound and rescued children from a nearby burning orphanage on his way out. Stop intentionally only telling half of the story to make Obama look bad.
  4. I believe she was 38.
  5. If you keep your C off your keyboard, you'd be less likely to get something stuck in it. And it will help keep your keyboard clean and useable.
  6. Yeah. It's not like pBills needs his spelling and grammatical errors to point out his stupidity. His daily display of mental incontinence here on PPP does that quite sufficiently.
  7. Did you note the WH's response: http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2011/06/07/fact-checking-fact-checker
  8. Maybe he plans on doing a lot of swimming? The women he texts know about shrinkage right?
  9. Leans left? Doesn't this belong in the Weiner thread?
  10. If Obama and Clinton post here I don't see why Palin can't.
  11. Yeah. That's what I thought.
  12. That's actually the appropriate response to the video, but you probably have no idea why.
  13. No you idiot. That's exactly why it wasn't important. No one really believed this Bill was going to be a law exactly as it was written. So you had one side that was up in arms against it. And another side that didn't care that much because there wasn't that much to care about. That makes it unimportant.
  14. Good grief this place is filled with idiots. It's a message, mandate, referendum when BOTH sides are fighting to ACCOMPLISH something, and the public comes out and elects an official to specifically push the result 1 way or another. Kind of like Scott Brown, and even on a lesser note, the judge in WI. If the "Ryan Plan" was really up for election like the idiots here believe, you would actually have a large turnout on both sides. But the damn thing has already passed the House where this person was elected. Since this election was meaningless in terms of the bill passing or not, this vote was in no way a message, mandate, or referendum. It's barely even a memo, validation, or poll.
  15. That's the best way to do it. Go in a little and first. Then back out. Then back in a little more. Then back out. Just keep that up for a while until finally you're ready for the final pullout, which should obviously be associated with some kind of victorious yell or scream.
  16. The sound of the "clunk" is priceless and some might think quite the accurate portrayal of presidency.
  17. If more than a few of those people will be up to no good, wouldn't it be just as factual to say that more than a few of those people will be up to something good? Perhaps there will be an increase in charitable work or donations? Perhaps people will spend more quality time with their families or loved ones? Simple logic and odds. As for the people that were already operating outside of the law, there is really no increase in crime overall if they just switch the crimes they were committing. Perhaps no NFL season is what this country needs to reconnect with one another and help turn around the decline of society? Or perhaps it's a poorly thought out statement that is currently being made into a big deal? And perhaps trying to rationalize it or defend it just as asinine as the original statement?
  18. Carfeul. Are you sure you want to equate the level of funding to the quality of education? Are you sure you want to equate quality of R&D with quality of education in this country?
  19. I grew up in MO. I've never set foot in Buffalo. I guess I should have been a Cheif's fan according to my location. I just could never get into Chief's football. Martyball was not my cup of tea as I was growing up. Too slow, and predictable and boring. Not flashy or exciting at all. I loved the Bills after the first time I saw them play on the TV. Late 80's Probably around '88 or so, just a season or two before the first SB. They were so fast, and quick on Offense. Just able to do it all, run and pass and score...a lot. And just nasty on D. Night and Day from what I had seen from the Chief's, and was immediately a fan. Even though I got tons of crap for liking the Bills growing up, especially after the SB runs and they got crappy in the late 90's (my college years), I've stuck with them.
  20. It's just more cushion for the pushin, and a little more bounce for the ounce
  21. Key: Liked Unimpressed/Indifferent Hated Haven't seen Just my opinion.
  22. Dammit. I even said please.
  23. Please don't spill your verbal diarrhea all over this discussion.
  24. I don't think it will do anything to lower gas prices. What do you expect the response from the oil companies to be when these subsidies are gone?
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