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Joe Miner

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Everything posted by Joe Miner

  1. It's usually best to remain silent about things you don't know.
  2. You're a !@#$ing moron if you think I've said any of what you just attributed to me. You're just arguing to argue at this point.
  3. Ideal systems only exist on college professors' blackboards,
  4. No it wasn't, but why would I expect you to be smart enough to understand either what im talking about or what the article was talking about. Also, I believe this topic is on the Chevy Volt, but keep bringing up Tesla because that's a realistic option for most people.
  5. I never said it wouldn't run, but some reports have up to a 20-30% decrease in battery life in winter conditions. The great range of 100 miles/charge doesn't seem so great when it's only 70 or 80 in the winter. And that's assuming you have all the extra heaters needed to get it to charge well. I have no problems with an electric car, but you're crazy if you think they'll be a major player in the automobile scene anytime soon. It's cool technology and innovation, it just has a long way to go.
  6. No, that's not what I mean. But continue being a smartass, it's working well for you.
  7. There's more to electric cars in cold temps than getting them started. And hopefully you can plug those in at work in the winter so that magic little heater can continue to work and allow your car to charge and start.
  8. Good luck driving your electric car in the winter.
  9. That was the same thing I was thinking.
  10. Big deal? No. Maybe one day well get a politician that lives by the same standards they try to regulate for others. And monkeys might fly out of my butt.
  11. They were protecting him before they moved there. Is there really a noticeable difference in the protection afforded that justifies this? Are the costs to the agency for his protection higher or lower at this location than they were at the previous location? Again, I might suggest that it might not be ethical behavior for a gov't official to now be a contractor to a gov't agency that is performing a mandatory service for that gov't official.
  12. It's sad that he'll be a hall of famer. I'm sure there are plenty of you out there that will cite numbers all day long. I still wouldn't vote for him.
  13. If you take Landry Jones you just set the franchise back another 4-5 years. Stats aren't everything.
  14. My (*^*&%^$^#father-in-law worked for the state of Missouri. He argued with me about no term limits being a good thing because it allowed politicians to get to know the system so that they could really get things done. Did I mention he is a dipshit?
  15. She was rode hard and put away wet.
  16. Good grief. I thought I was trying to end our side discussion politely. Sorry that's what you took from my comments.
  17. If you and Peace were on the same page in your thoughts about the idea of being a poor Christian versus being a good person, I disagree with the premise of the argument. Specifically that the reward/salvation/heaven/eternal life, or however you wish to refer to it is based on any type of earned/deserved merit from a person whether they're Christian or not. So a simple answer doesn't suffice in my opinion. Again, I'll leave that alone unless you want a more in-depth response. Political topics on a message board are bad enough, but religious topics usually turn out even worse (IMO). So I'm much more willing to discuss politics in a forum venue than I am religious beliefs. I may come across as harsh and rude to you when you talk about religion. But it has little to do with the fact that you aren't religious and don't believe in a god, but more to do with the disdain that you show for anyone that does.
  18. That's so completely foreign to what I believe and what I think Christianity is and professes, that the answer to that is longer than the question implies. If you'd like me to pm you an answer, let me know. But I've probably already helped derail this thread enough.
  19. Your dislike and low opinions of anyone related with religion has been pretty documented with your posts on this board. What are you meaning with "better than"?
  20. Not surprising. One of the board's biggest bigots has quite a high opinion of himself. It's other people with the issues. Not Gene. Never Gene. Much easier to hate religious folks when you've already decided they're always wrong.
  21. You flatter yourself. You seem to have been screwed up on the topic of religion at an early age. I'd be surprised if you were ever able to achieve a rational mindset on religion.
  22. A cult is the section of your non-religion religion that passes around poisonous snakes to prove there is no God. You're already familiar with religion. You preach it here all the time.
  23. Now you've gone and blasphemed against Gene's non-religion religion.
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