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Joe Miner

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Everything posted by Joe Miner

  1. So why are we protesting/rioting? A man died and another man was arrested for his murder. Now we have this thing called an investigation which will be followed by a trial. It's not good that he died but this is how justice works in this country. There's still no statistics or evidence that support systemic racism at any level of law enforcement. Until more facts come out from the investigation there's no no clear evidence that racism even existed in this event. If someone wants to discuss no knock warrants, stop and frisk, 3 strike laws, etc... Great, let's have those discussions. I'm not a fan of those practices but I'm also not a fan of the crimes they actually do prevent or catch. So perhaps there's better ways to protect individual and law enforcement rights and lives and also enforce the law. But these protests are just dumb and the riots are the foreseeable criminal accompaniment.
  2. This post is like the Bat Signal for DR.
  3. New sex procedures in France
  4. John Adams is just test driving some new personalities.
  5. Much like "by the book" means completely illegal and underhanded. "A homicide" means Hillary Clinton.
  6. I can't tell if Ralph Northam is voting for Biden or Trump.
  7. You can stop trying to prove the unprovable. There's a consensus. This ***** will kill you. See global warming. Consensus! Nevertheless myself and all of my relatives will take it if we get or are exposed to Covid.
  8. Holy crap. That's train wreck through a nursing home, landing in a day care, exploding to take out the world's panda population bad. Well there's the next million dollar ad for Trump.
  9. Happy days are here for Bob. https://nypost.com/2020/05/21/scientists-believe-cannabis-could-help-prevent-treat-coronavirus/amp/
  10. You won't get that kind of treatment with Obamacare. Thanks a lot Obama.
  11. How will these dumb ***** get the medicine to take?
  12. Let's change the word from "their" to "her."
  13. The number of snaps played by Bills WR last year that are not just below average, but not NFL caliber WRs is astonishing. They now have 3 legit high quality NFL receivers on the team and an ever improving QB entering his third year. Expect big things.
  14. Eric Wood on bourbon
  15. When did CNN get talent?
  16. There's a silver lining for covid no one's thought about. If Big Ben is back, it's a good thing college campuses are closed.
  17. You make it sound like administering blood tests to Bills players without their knowledge or consent isn't normal.... I mean what kind of fans do you think we are here?
  18. My grandmother passed away on 5/2, she was 94. No funeral or services allowed. She'll be buried at Jefferson barracks cemetery in St Louis next to my grandfather this Wednesday. We can watch from a car.
  19. Vulnerable people are going to die has been a true statement this whole time and is true in almost any dangerous situation. The problem arises when another person's actions or decisions directly place vulnerable people in those deadly situations. Words like culpability and negligence might come into play.
  20. Why does a wardrobe malfunction never happen when you want it to?
  21. That picture always makes Biden jealous.
  22. First time you've ever needed to make it smaller?
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