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Everything posted by Billsfanconcnc

  1. That was OUTRAGEOUS!!! The goalpost flags were blowing in fom lindell's back. Why not take a shot at a win with a 45 yarder? Plus on third down the right side of the field was wide open, LOSSman could have easily ran for a first down.
  2. Amen brother, finally I see someone who gets it. Going into this seaon I agreed that giving JP a good look was the right thing to do but at this point I have seen enough to realize that he is Rob Johnson Jr. He has had several opportunities to lead this team to victory late in games and has failed to do so every single time. He is slow to mature, is not a leader, and simply does not have the "it" factor. It's time to send another Donahoe flunkie packing and start from scratch. Anyone who thinks Loserman has a future in this league is either high on crack or mentally defective.
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