The defense played a great game and I believe the Bills will still do good this season however the fact is the Bills offense got shutout by an average defense.
I can easily see them going 4-1 during the next 5 games and our D dominated the top offense in the league. As long as our O-Line can hold it together and TE gets it to his revievers I'd say we can do it.
I went to the second half of the game and noticed TE locking onto recievers. One play I saw TO wide open for a 15 yard gain but TE was staring at Evans. On the pic TE was staring at Owens and threw it into double coverage. The O-Line was the reason we lost though. Those 4 snaps at the end just showed how bad our O-Line was.
268-429 CMP-ATT
3,051 YDS
62.5 CMP %
7.11 Yards Per Throw
19 TD's
14 Ints
84.9 Passer Rating (11th in NFL)
Those are not bad stats at all considering he had a terrible coaching staff. power rankings. I prefer these for the fans power rankings. Last week the Bills were 10 after I think 10,000 votes. The "experts" moved us up 2 spots from last week. What I love is the fans have the Pats at 19.