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Whites Bay

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Everything posted by Whites Bay

  1. This is a possibility, but it depends on which side of the border the infraction took place. I once worked with a European national who had arranged for the sale of some U.S.-made medical equipment through UAE and into Iran, thus violating long-running trade embargo sanctions. Long story short - he was whistled in and fired. Fast forward, he later gets a job with a major European medical device company (didn't tell them about the issue - surprise, surprise). They ask him to go to a medical congress in the U.S. Flies in, gets to Customs, they look at his passport, the buzzer and red light go off and he's frog-marched into a side room. Banned from entry. Had to turn straight around, get a ticket, and hop on the next plane back to Europe. Imagine how THAT conversation with his boss went...
  2. A small bay on Lake Ontario in Jefferson County. Grandfather built a little cottage up here in the late 50's, and it's always been my dream to end up here after having lived all over the country and traveled all over the world. I can't say my wife is exactly thrilled, but the Bills are on local TV every weekend. So I win.
  3. Although I'd love to see a stomping, I agree with these sentiments. Like the Dolphins before them, this is the Jets' Super Bowl. This ain't no party, this ain't no disco, this ain't no foolin' around. Jets are going to bring it. But the Bills still have too much in the tank.
  4. I guess I understand your point, but I would think: 1) It is a valid point, and McDermott has already asked him that (I could certainly be wrong here); 2) Hey, kid. You WERE playing for the Colts going nowhere, and you ARE playing for the Super Bowl favorite and a chance for a ring. Big choice in front of you - window or aisle seat.
  5. I was thinking the same thing. My God, these last few TNF games have been excruciating. I guess the NFL figured that Bezos has more money than...I don't know...like all of Africa, South America and most of Australia combined, so he can afford the loss leaders. Simply AWFUL football.
  6. I hear you. But I think the answer is..."Because it sells."
  7. Gosh. She's kinda pretty. Is she single?
  8. All at the same time. And the Bills would STILL win. Bet the over.
  9. Thanks for this! I feel like Scrooge awaking on Christmas day. "I haven't missed it!"
  10. Good point. I remember having all the hope in the world for Todd Collins a long, long time ago. It was an impossible task.
  11. Oh, no. It's the "Spam" skit from Monty Python. "Baked beans are off the menu today." "Oh, in that case, I'll have spam instead." "You mean you're having spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam..." (fade in "Spam" chorus...)
  12. Now you have me thinking of "I'm having spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, baked beans, spam, spam and spam!"
  13. "I'm seeing ghosts", Part Deux.
  14. The story I remember during the realignment exercise was that Ralph specifically DIDN'T want the Bills to end up in the "Rust Bowl" division for two reasons: 1) They'd have been an afterthought in an afterthought division, buried forever behind the Steelers; 2) They'd have been pulled away from major media markets in New York, Boston and Miami. They would have become essentially irrelevant.
  15. Are you serious? Look, dude, this place is going to be a China Syndrome after the first loss. And they're going to rightly blame Einstein for the bad juju. Don't bring this stuff around here.
  16. Oh, my goodness. Announcer Purgatory. What on earth are they going to be talking about by the middle of the third quarter?
  17. I was out in Orange County last week. Nuclear. And it's worse this week.
  18. Not to divert the thread, but this is a good point. Ugh. It wouldn't be right to have to be looking up in the rankings to Indy. Jesus.
  19. This pretty much summarizes the state of the board at the end of the preseason, doesn't it? Well done, sir. Well done.
  20. I was thinking the same thing.
  21. On a far smaller scale, it reminds me of the Kelvin Benjamin "experiment". That didn't take very long, either.
  22. And this - right here - is the thought of the day. I can't stop laughing. Thank God WE were the team that ended up with the real QB.
  23. "You f*cked up. You trusted us!"
  24. No, this is the part where you bring up the "Naughty Nurse" trope...
  25. AFCE may have just gotten weaker with Wilson's knee situation. I realize that's picking nits.
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