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Whites Bay

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Everything posted by Whites Bay

  1. You, sir, have singlehandedly RUINED my Sierra Nevada Hazy Little Thing IPA. Why don't you bring up Torell Troup while you're at it?
  2. A great memory, but holy baby Jesus those uniforms. *Wince*.
  3. I'm in agreement with this. This will be my kids' problem. But now that the state and county and league are involved, the project starts to gain a momentum of its own, and gets a lot harder to stop. Related thought - I wonder if the thought crosses the minds of the pundits and prognosticators who put this stuff out in the first place. "Hey, wanna spin 'em up in Buffalo? Let's pass along THIS gem."
  4. Thread hijack alert. Easy to spoof Hall and Oates, but before you go too far down that road, you should probably dig into the "Sacred Songs" album by Darryl Hall and Robert Fripp. Quoting Wikipedia: "The album was originally intended to be part of a loose trilogy of sorts with Peter Gabriel's 1978 second album and Fripp's Exposure (1979), all of which Fripp produced." (In fairness, I remember reading the article that they cited...like way back in the day). a damn DAMN fine trilogy. Listen to "You Burn Me Up (I'm a Cigarette). Not the same Darryl Hall you see here. And now, back to the NFL Draft...
  5. Question for those who know a LOT more about this than do I. If this is the contract for Seumalo, what is the guesstimate for Risner? Do the Bills have a shot at this guy, or is it just so much chatter?
  6. I'm in the same boat, and I noticed that they actually pushed it out this year. It was typically a 6:25 kickoff - foot actually meets ball. Last night it was 6:43 EST. 18 extra minutes of chum and flotsam. Wonder how many years it'll take before it kicks off at 7:00?
  7. I'd hate to see him come in, make 2-3 tackles, and hobble to the sideline (because I think that's all he's capable of doing). Hell of a way to burn a roster spot.
  8. While I agree with this sentiment, I think I read he has a torn labrum (?). Apologies for not backing that up. I'd be shocked to see him play with any effectiveness - if at all - for the rest of the season. Not meaning to pee on any barbecues. But when an inbred goober like me can see him unable to lift his arm above his shoulder on tackles, it's a pretty bad injury.
  9. Apologies to the OP for going with the thread hijack, but yeah, I've endured one-too-many motivational speakers in my career. But I will toss in a positive - I saw Jerry Linenger a few years back. NASA astronaut that was on the MIR space station when they had a fire aboard in 1997. (Side note - they learned NOT to blow on even small flames in zero gravity, because the flames seek the oxygen, and leap right back at your face; remember that, aspiring astronauts of TSW). THAT was interesting for the subject matter, and I put my "demotivated" filter on so as to ignore the parables and thought experiments. But I'd see him again.
  10. That's pretty twisted, actually.
  11. I could see this.
  12. Yeah, I'm still sober and that took me some work. There probably should have been vertical bars between each of the two logos. Imagine following the line under the logo...ahh, never mind. You'll figure it out.
  13. Man, I hope it's a warm, calm dome. I feel good about those chances.
  14. Interesting thought. Makes as much sense as anything.
  15. I'm not as rosy-eyed optimistic as some. I'm more concerned with Allen's elbow and (now) leg/ankle. I think the Good Guys will come out pumped, but that lasts for just so long. Bills 27 Pats* 21
  16. It doesn't affect me per se, but dummmmb question - why are the Dakotas and Minnesota getting that late AZ SF game? Some college player connection?
  17. That would be huge...but I'll wait (impatiently) for confirmation of that from public sources. Because that's enormous. Here's my dumb question for the afternoon. Is he still in prone?
  18. I learned this years ago on this site. This place becomes a Cuisinart.
  19. In fairness to Philips, his shoulder looked shot on that last tackle. And I mean SHOT. He wasn't getting his arm over his shoulder. I wouldn't be surprised if he's not playing next week. That didn't look very good.
  20. I'm proud to say that - as a family - we've now gotten my 90-year-old Mom to take a rabid interest in the Bills. And I mean RABID. Her interest increases every season, and she looks great in the custom "MOM 90" jersey we bought her last year. The reason I bring it up is a comment she made last year about the "Sean McDermott Show" (or whatever it's called) on local news a day or two before the game. She got all excited that there was going to be some Bills discussion, some inside tidbits, some inkling about game-planning for the upcoming contest. Nothing. She called me after it was over and said "The man said nothing. I didn't get anything out of that interview. He spoke for 30 minutes and didn't say a thing." That's right, Mom. That's what he's paid to do in these interviews. And anyone expecting anything different is in for a big disappointment. Related note - I'm totally with those who find sideline reporters and their interviews to be pointless. The only exceptions are the few times they actually bring an update on a recent (in-game) injury.
  21. Every Jon Stewart "Arby's" bit just popped into my head, and I can't stop laughing. "Challenge your stomach to a fist fight."
  22. So what you're telling me is that Sunday's late Red Zone broadcast is going to be 99.3% Pats* at Raiders. Because I can't imagine ANYONE watching Cardinals Broncos. That hurts THINKING about it.
  23. You're right. And I'm thinking there must be like 95-100 cameras trained on it for that exact reason. Whomever takes it MIGHT get it back to their car. I'm imagining the boardroom conversation in which it was decided to place the marker out there in the first place. Idea Person: "Got this GREAT idea...!" Rational Person: "ARE YOU F-ING NUTS?!?"
  24. I believe TSW protocol calls for this to be hidden in a "Gotcha" link. God knows I'VE fallen for it a few times.
  25. Well, now how the hell would they know that? Was it carrying a little ticket stub? Or wearing one of those little bands on its wrist?
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