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Whites Bay

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Everything posted by Whites Bay

  1. My gut call? The odds are pretty damn good! There's a warped, sick and twisted part of me deep inside that's COUNTING on it. Let's get past the 7 sacks in Miami - everyone in the NFL is all abuzz about it, and the spinmeisters are already discounting it (B. Anderson tears a tricep, Culpepper's too slow, etc.). Look back the week before. Three sacks against New England in the first half against an offensive line that has its own commercial. THAT'S a good offensive line, and Marcia was tossed around like my beagle's squeaky toy. I give Pennington until the third quarter AT THE OUTSIDE. Our advantage seems to come in the first half, and then we slow down (or teams adjust to the hell they're facing).
  2. Oh, don't be telling me things like that. I start thinking scary thoughts like 9-7 records and an outside shot at division titles........
  3. Agreed, and not to mention the fact that it all happens in 15 minutes (in the first round). They have to be thinking sharp, and quick. I realize we're all on the same page or thereabouts, but can anyone REALLY criticize Whitner's performance? That 2-point conversion "stuff" was enough for me. Jesus, talk about closing speed. It makes me shake my head sardonically when I think about the press clippings we were reading (and Kool-Aid we were drinking) a couple of years ago about Vincent and Milloy. Remember how we were supposed to have this dynamite safety tandem because - combined - they had about three ice ages worth of experience between them? PLEASE spare me. I'll take this kid any day of the week. And so will everyone on this board.
  4. Sorry to jump off topic, but it's Tuesday night, and the euphoria from Sunday's throttling is beginning to ebb, and it's time to begin directing thoughts towards NEXT Sunday. To tie it in with "What's the Difference This Year".....? Speed! Speed! Speed! Wow! The defense is.....well, it's just entertaining as hell! And that's what's starting to spook me about this weekend. Don't get me wrong, I think THINK we're going to murdulize 'em (to quote Bugs Bunny). But two great ways to play against a fast defense are: 1) Run on 'em 2) Screen 'em and play-action 'em to death I don't see a solid J-E-T-S running game, particularly when keyed by Trey Teague. No knock on the guy (well, I guess that's a straw-man argument), but the management decided that Fowler was an upgrade. But that's not a power running group. Problem for the Jets is that you-know-who can't throw more than 30 yards in the air, either. So what do they do? Suck us in, suck us in, suck us in. Hope the coaching staff keeps a leash on at least one linebacker. Or am I overanalyzing it all again? Should I just sit back and enjoy the ride?
  5. I've had a day to RECOVER from a really pi$$ed afternoon. Here's the gig. We lost, we lost, we lost. Sucks. I'd be overstating things in dramatic fashion to say that this was a shot across the bow of the AFC East, and that a new dawn was rising on Lake Erie, etc. (and dawn comes up behind Lake Erie anyways). This disclaimer having been said, c'mon people. Only the bitterest and most mission-focused players in that locker room are continuing to kick themselves after a shocking performance on Sunday. No one in the country gave us a chance of finding midfield for the coin toss! Here's another way to look at it. How many people lost how much money by betting the line? What were we - an 8-point dog? A 9-point dog? A 10-point dog? The conventional wisdom got its cakes pounded on Sunday. Hope they're having fun sitting down tonight. You're all correct when you say that there are no Moral Victories in the NFL. No kidding. I'm still furious at the erosion of our run defense, the fatigue of the offensive line, and JP not getting back across the goal line (but....SOMEONE had to miss a block on the left side. Who blew it? It was off camera). For those of us in upstate New York, only the Super Bowl is going to get this chip off our shoulder. Perfection is always one step short, isn't it? But believe me - the coaching staff in Miami is saying "Holy $#!+". And if you think the Patriots team is getting a pat on the back from THAT coaching staff - sober up. I feel a LOT better after this opener than I have in years. Bring it on.
  6. No. Another public school product from upstate New York where the teachers routinely skewered us for things like "alot"...and "to much", and the like. It's been about 28 hours and my stomach is still settling down after the last 10 minutes of that game. Fast Freddie wouldn't have made a difference had he been with the Bills or the Patriots. I'm happy for him as an individual that he's landed employment. That game pi$$ed me off more than any game I've seen in years. I applaud the 4th-and-1 call - real balls, and it's time we had those on the sidelines in this franchise. Damn, I hated the outcome. I have to think, however, that a number of coaches around the league are looking at that tape as a model for what THEY'LL try against the no-longer-almighty Patriots. What kills me is the thought that folks in New England are telling me that it would have been closer if Bruschi had been in! "In" what? A wheelchair with a bottle of Geritol? How many times was Seau's number called?
  7. I just hate "alot". Jesus, I hate "alot". It's "a lot". The gap is created by using the spacer bar. It's just below all the little type-ee keys in the middle of the keyboard. Let's all try it....."a lot".......
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