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Whites Bay

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Everything posted by Whites Bay

  1. Correct. At Jets. Current forecast is mostly sunny and 35.
  2. Related to the Pats* post above, I was thinking this morning about the feeling/aura around an impending Pats* game back during the drought. We all just KNEW the Bills were going to get spanked...somehow. The requisite flag, the inevitable injury, the predictable boneheaded coaching decision. A Pats* game was a BIG DEAL. Now it's just a chance to pad stats. How delightful.
  3. Interesting trivia point. But...it happens in the middle of summer, so I'm either on the boat, or on the bike, or on the deck. I don't notice it.
  4. Not the way some people here write them with a starting word and an ending word and 8,000,000,000 words in between with zero punctuation. It's not a paragraph or run-on sentence, it's a novel-eenee. Yeah, I have issues.
  5. Bills 23 (2 TDs 3 FGs) 49ers 10 (Purdy out by Halftime)
  6. Yes. Apparently, they can land a 777 in BUF. Even in this snow. (See how I did that?)
  7. Drat. You got out in front of my NEXT thread which combined the two - aircraft landing requirements in lake effect conditions. SO close...
  8. Didn't realize they could get a 777 into BUF.
  9. I was at that game with my brother. God-awful colors. Even in the stadium.
  10. Well, to be honest...I moved my snow tire "swap" up from early December to today based on reading all this stuff, and - given that I'm driving from Watertown to Syracuse on Monday - I feel pretty damn good about it. Public Service Announcement worked.
  11. Related thought - a few weeks ago I treated myself to watching the Bills-Cowboys "Coming Out Party" on Thanksgiving 2019. And I did it because I wanted to hear the narrative from Romo and Nantz. (Side note - I'm one of those people who will watch the entire game on Mute, and then replay it later. Too stressed out, and the announcers are usually masters of gibberish). The narrative went something like this: 1st Quarter: "Gee, Jim. Those plucky Bills!" "Yeah, Tony, what a story line after wandering the desert for 20 years." 2nd Quarter: "Boy, those plucky Bills are putting up a heck of a fight, Jim." "Yes, Tony, but...like...we know how this is going to end." 3rd Quarter: "Holy Crap, Jim. If the Cowboys don't score here, they're screwed." "You're right, Tony. Must be something in the water." 4th Quarter: "Gee, I sure hope this wasn't recorded, because I'm going to look like an idiot." "Right there with you, bud." I'm starting to feel optimistic about the 49ers game after the latest injury update. Time to rest Kincaid. I think the Bills have this - especially with the 12th Man (crowd) and 13th Man (weather).
  12. Okay, I want to jump in here. I'd heard/read that Kincaid suffered a PCL shortly after it happened. As I recall, it was from one of the "Internet Knee Docs" or the like, so take it for what it's worth. But I'll leap into the fray - has Kincaid's injury been confirmed as a PCL in a McDermott press conference? Not saying it hasn't; just been really, really busy at work and haven't kept up the way I'd like.
  13. Non-game note (because I'll be settled in across from a blazing fire in the woodstove with a bottle of beautiful Cabernet)...but serious UGH for traveling. I'm thinking about thousands of people converging on the same airports and rental car stations (BUF, ROC, SYR) trying to get home on Thanksgiving Sunday. It will be bad enough traveling on that day...now add 4+ feet of snow and high winds. Just a nightmare of cancelled flights.
  14. This is SO Belichick-ian. McDermott - if you're on this board - read this post and surrender to your inner demons.
  15. Geysered the Chardonnay on that one. Jesus. This thread is up there with "Retata".
  16. Weirdly, I believe they're on at the same time.
  17. This board sometimes...yeesh...
  18. Personally, I'd take an off-season Tuscany. But to each his own.
  19. Last complaint (until the next one). I have flown and still fly a LOT, and my patience for "rookies" isn't what it should be. But when you're coming up to the TSA screen...like...plan, okay? Get your sh!t out of your pockets, get your cell phone into your bag...do all that stuff while you're in line. I can't understand for the life of me how people aren't ready when they walk through a magnetometer. Nope...standing there basically undressing themselves...*beep*...go through again...*beep*...pull crap out of their pockets...*beep*... Rookies.
  20. If the miracle flights on Southwest flip your sh!t...I'd advise not flying to MCO or SNA. "Okay, now we're boarding families with children 2 and under..."
  21. DBs who put their overhead baggage above the bulkhead row and then head 10-12 rows back to their seat.
  22. Side note(s) on "Moon Shot": 1) The Columbia command module splashed down 55 years ago today. Neat-o that you'd use the "Moon Shot" reference! Bravo! 2) Come to think of it...that year was the last time the Nyets won a Super Bowl. Rodgers was in diapers...
  23. This one. Except my brothers and I were there. What I remember distinctly was the sheer volume of noise from the fans banging on the seatbacks in front of them (me included). It was so loud and such a roar that I literally looked up thinking that the Air Force was doing another fly-by. I then realized it was us.
  24. I remember listening to his song "Miami" on WCMF back in the early 70s. It STILL cracks me up.
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