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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. I may be wrong on this but didn't Miami switch from 4-3 to 3-4 this year while getting rid of Jason Taylor and Zach Thomas? Seems as though it's working for them. It's not as catastrophic as everyone thinks to switch defensive scheme's in between seasons, then again we don't have a GM with the eye of Parcelles.
  2. I've been saying this for about 4 years now. We are too soft, we need some fire on this team imho.
  3. Every fan has the right to do what he/she wants. Maybe a walkout won't help or maybe it will, who are we to judge unless we try? I can't stand the idea of a sh!tty product being stuffed down my throat without saying something about it, maybe you don't mind. Maybe you can live with a "I can't do anything about it so why try?" attitude but some people can't. To call an idea of someone's "idiotic" just because you don't agree is ridiculous. There are 31 other teams in this league and fair-weather fans may be able to switch up their team but not everyone is fair-weather. Some Bills fans would rather boycott their team in hopes to make a change instead of whining and bitching that there's nothing we can do. Remember that the first step to taking away the people's power is leading them to believe that they have none.
  4. No, the "Thing" is that a coach is supposed to put his players in a position to win. Calling that play lacks that quality, if you can't see that then I don't know what else to tell you other than "Go Dick!"
  5. There are only 2 constants with the Buffalo Bills: Fans and Ownership. We've come all this way with Ownership feeding us crap most of the way. We have the opportunity to shove that same crap in ownerships face this time.
  6. This was me last year and the year before and the year before and before and.... I can keep going and as a fan I will but look at this post below and see why this was a bad call. That call is fine with a competent QB, JP is not even close. Take a step back and see what a mess THESE Bills are in, just like the "do-overs" before them.
  7. I like the idea of a walkout but I think too many fans would rather watch this team lose then make a statement. It's too bad.
  8. Nope and we'll go 0-6 in the division. Which to me, is the most unacceptable thing about this year. If we did manage to pull it off, it will be despite ourselves.
  9. Yeah that was discussed a lot when he made that statement around here. I had forgotten all about it. JP and his love for Brett's shorts.
  10. Marshawn is going to have to put or shut up. I guess we'll see if there is truly a Beast Mode or not. I hope Lynch is one of those players who can put the money where his mouth is.
  11. What if we win 2 of the last 3 and go 8-8? Do you think the FO will try to pass this off as a successful season? Will you buy it? Remember now that 8-8 is an improvement record wise... I don't care if we finish 9-7 I think we took some steps back this year or at least have stayed stagnant. Depressing December....again.
  12. Of coarse it makes perfect sense. That is the essence of what makes us a Bills fan.
  13. RIP Bettie Page http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081212/ap_en_...bit_bettie_page
  14. From what I understand NBC had the handcuffs on Lawrence for the last couple of seasons. ABC is going to let him do it His way, which is good if you liked the first couple of seasons.
  15. It would be Anarchy around here. Could you imagine if he played well? Could you imagine if he sucked? If Jauron thinks he's under fire now, just wait! It's a no Win for the current staff if they want to stay in Buffalo.
  16. Yeah those two can steal the show from time to time. The best part about the show is what's going on around it. The character stories are the same every season but they seem to keep it fresh with detail.
  17. NBC didn't want them and they tinkered with the show because of the strike. That's why it sucked. Bill Lawerence is getting the chance to end it the way he wants to with ABC. This is supposed to be the last season but who knows, it looks like they might be setting up a spin-off.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIfh6vpGmqA&NR=1 Aziz Ansari and Courney Cox seem to be joining the crew. Aziz is a funny little !@#$er, I think he'll be a great addition. Not so sure about the Dr. Cox vs. Dr. Cox dynamic yet.
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