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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. We're Bills fans, I didn't think "win" was in our vocabulary.
  2. I see your point but you're forgetting that we're talking about the Pats. In 2004 they won the SB and in that off-season they lost their OC, their DC, Pro Bowl CB Ty Law, Bruschi had a stroke and missed most of the season, Andruzzi went to Cleveland and after all that they still went 10-6 and won the division. Not to rain on the parade because I do see your point, it's just that we're not doing ourselves any good by hoping the other teams in our division will falter. Instead we should be worrying about how we can compete with them.
  3. Riiiight, because the Pat's haven't proven they can recover from coach and player loss. Snap out of it, we can't always rely on other teams getting worse, we should have the mentality that we're competing against top level competition no matter what. Then maybe we'll have a winning team in Buffalo.
  4. In that case maybe Belicheat will take it easy on us. I think he may hate to see dickie boy go...
  5. I'm with ya dude. I can't root against them either, I was just being sarcastic. Although the flip-side to the coin is if we lose we have a silver lining.
  6. Does that mean we're supposed to root for the Pats? I'm so confused, either way we lose...
  7. But I don't think we should replace him. I just think he is an upgrade over Ellison. Ellison is one of the weakest links on this team
  8. Where did someone say he was a bust? I must've skipped over that part.
  9. You're right, I meant ILB. I didn't know Cody was staying, it's the right choice for him. He will be a monster next year. I like that Greg Hardy was such a stud in the SEC.
  10. I wouldn't assume to pick a DE, if OLB Malauga(sp?) is on the board then I would take him if not I'd go with Greg Hardy at DE. It would be hard to pass up a beast like Terrence Cody but his injury is a bit concerning.
  11. The point is that the CB's made plays when they needed to, in fact they made plays when the game was on the line. McKelvin should've had a pick, Corner and Mcgee almost had int's as well. We certainly looked like a bend but don't break defense out there today but if we had any kind of pass rush we would have won by 14-17.
  12. I'm very excited about this secondary. Could you imagine how good these guys would be with a good pass rush?
  13. Good post Kitty. I agree and think this may have been the highlight of the game for me, just realizing the potential there. Then again, they knew they had to play on their toes against Cutlet.
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