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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. HMMMM... I wonder. I'll take "Maybe you can't polish a turd?" for $500 Alex.
  2. I'm not a Cruise fan either but he was excellent in Tropic Thunder!
  3. Office/Always sunny/30 rock. Depends on the mood.
  4. Only if you don't count Dockery. People can say what they will about Donahoe but he was one reason for a big name FA to come here.
  5. Ask yourself this: Why in the hell would a top tier FA come to Buffalo? Because of the coach? Because of the owner? Because of the winning tradition? Your turn...
  6. I'm 30 and this season almost broke me. I will however keep watching them and rooting for them. I've always been the optimist but it's getting harder and harder.
  7. Ask ieatcrayonz, it seems to bother him the most. I don't see too many others talking about it...
  8. I always wished Undeclared would've stayed around longer, that was quality. I know a lot don't like Aptow or Rogan but they were good here. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0273028/
  9. I agree something should be done but let's stop setting ourselves up for failure with lies and lets stop getting our post count up by replying to ourselves.
  10. It's funny because you lied. I'm all with you on a protest but don't tell people that Jim Kelly is going to be there...that's just stupid.
  11. At least he never argues with himself when replying...
  12. So if what your saying is correct then our team sucks because Ralph is stupid? That's still unacceptable. In what other business do you buy a product that sucks and justify it with "The guy who made this is stupid so it's okay"? His intentions may be good or may not be, I can't read his mind but I will say this: Where does the stupidity end? Can we just write off the last 22 seconds of the first half on Sunday by saying "Dick Jauron's just stupid so it's okay" or "Duke Preston's just an idiot so whatever"? People/Fans are tired of this Stupidity/Greed or whatever the cause of this 9 years of crap that has been the team we love. It's sad really that it's coming to people wishing for his death, although you would think that would be a wake up call to any rational person.
  13. The word seems was in italics for a reason, I think he does care but more when it comes to $ then wins... I have no recent evidence otherwise.
  14. I respect your posts Kelly , I always have but I think we may disagree here. It should be more of a symbiotic relationship. Ralph has made a lot of money due to the loyalty of the fans and the fans should be thankful to him for keeping the team around. If Ralph is our daddy then we're financially supporting our daddy and that should be taken into consideration. However, it's gotten to the point where it seems like he cares less about the team then we do, that should be unacceptable to you, me and the rest of Bills fans. Daddy is taking advantage at this point. I do agree that those that are "Done" will be back and the ones that wish Ralph dead are out of line...
  15. Great reference. What makes it even better is how true it is, 7-9 = .438 win%, which means aprox. 60 % of the time we lose.
  16. I'm so glad I have DTV. TW seems to always be !@#$in' up...
  17. The Buffalo Bills: Your season tickets are in the mail along with 8 straight edge razors!!! Enjoy!
  18. Buffalo Bills: Sh!tting on fans for 9 years now and going strong!
  19. Great point. I live in WPB and used to go to the Bills/Phins every year. This year I couldn't afford it, I must be a sh!tty fan even if I haven't missed a game in 9 years whether it's on TV or in person. I guess I've given up my right's as a fan...
  20. Maybe in this economy most people can't afford to buy season tickets, especially for a crappy team. Maybe keeping Dick is the last straw for people on the fence financially. They're not allowed IYHO to be fans anymore because they're not showing the dedication of throwing hundreds of dollars in the garbage...Again. Maybe you can afford to buy season tickets just to have them, that must be nice but to tell other fans who are fed up that they can't come back when times are better is just ridiculous. Get a grip, it's the team that's !@#$ing up, not the fans.
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