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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. I'm not a religious person but you guys are making something out of nothing. So what, why do you care who he thanks? It's not like he's putting bulletin board material up. It's no different then him thanking family. When you make it to a super bowl then you all can thank whomever you'd like but until then you're stuck listening to Jesus boy. You are acting no different then the people suing over the inaugural oath.
  2. Congrats to the Cards!!!! It's nice to see an underdog story in the NFL. I also liked seeing the Eagles players happy for them, it looked like they had respect for what the Cards had done. A nice display of sportsmanship for once.
  3. Speaking of Kanye, Cat. Here's one that's a bit gayer now that Nip/Tuck has put it in it's promo's... BTW The chick in this video is smokin' May not be safe for work... Kanye
  4. When Trent has a SB ring on, then we'll talk about similarities. I don't give a rats ass if the defense won it or not, Eli made it to the show and didn't choke. We've never had a QB that's done that. Truth hurts.
  5. I like anything by Justin"White Usher" Timberlake. That's pretty gay...
  6. Is the Red Wiggle giving me the finger? Toot! Toot! Chugaluga Big Red Car!
  7. Unfortunately I don't think everyone does...
  8. Nice reference. I wonder how many pick up on it?
  9. I don't think ANYONE on this team knows ANYTHING about the 3-4. They seem befuddled by it. They look confused and disoriented when other teams use it against us.
  10. I saw a movie once and the moral was that white men couldn't jump. I believe it, I've tried and it's not as easy as it looks...
  11. Yeah Harvin is most definitely a stud, it's too bad he's not a need. I'm a Gator fan but tonight I'll paying close attention to Gresham. He may indeed be worth the hype. I also know that a lot here aren't fond of Tebow but the guy's a natural leader and plays well in big games.
  12. Anyone remember the Nate Clements hit on Brady in 2001(?)? Now that was a classic.
  13. There's a poster here who still talks to ICE, I forgot who but I think he pops his head in from time to time.
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