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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. He can't be dead or else Sayid couldn't be on the island. I do however think that this will be the prelude to the war between DI and the Alpert's people. Maybe Alpert will witness Ben's "Resurrection" due to island correcting and thus leading him to believe that Ben is "The One". Just a theory...
  2. Which album? I love Radiohead but I tend to think that In Rainbows may be the best one to smoke to.
  3. You're right Deano, after reading that quote again it seems more like he's riding the fence. Which, to me at least, comes across as though they are not satisfied with present company.
  4. What has Bell done to make you think he is ready? Just curious...
  5. Wow my man! That video is pretty sick, good stuff though.
  6. ...get's you there on time Reading Sage's thread earlier got me to thinkin' about what songs fellow "Smokers"(Past and present) play/played to get them in the mood for that "altered state". I'll start with one that I'm into at the moment. I also like the cover by JA but Donovan just doesn't get enough credit. Also what Albums as a whole get you in the mood? DSotM(As is a lot of PF) is an obvious choice so we'll cancel that one out.
  7. That's where some teams are projecting him in the NFL, so it makes sense that we might try to grab him...
  8. Nice theory Dank, that's one ending that I wouldn't be disappointed in.
  9. They flashed too, just to a different time. Watch it again, while the plane begins to shake and the bright light occurs it's night time, after the flash Lapidus looks up and it's all of the sudden daytime. Even the co-pilot says WTF when he sees it's now the middle of the day. I'm thinking they flashed to a few years after the war between DI and the Others.
  10. Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner. Get over it, what have the Bills done in 10 years that would make anyone(exclude fans) speak highly of them?
  11. I think Lynch, Reed and Roscoe will be the biggest benefactors. Lynch for the fact that it'll take an extra man out of the box(Hell maybe now we can run an efficient draw play). Roscoe has the speed and moves to humiliate most LB/SS in the league so good luck covering him when you have your better guys on Owens and Evans. Reed has the ability and experience to get open over the middle as well as having a nose for the first down marker so a 4WR set gives you a sh!tload of options.
  12. Jackson is a 3-4 DE, He's too big to fit our scheme unless he learns to play DT too. I do agree however that Brown may be a better pick then Johnson but neither Ayers nor Jackson really fit what we need in this draft.
  13. I agree, while I like Ayers I'd rather have a guy who has a nose for getting to the QB.
  14. Listen up Hocktard, you should re-read what you're writing because your ignorance is shining through, many players throughout draft history have slipped due to various reasons and have still been good picks. The world isn't black and white and every first round projected DE that slips into the second rd isn't Chris Kelsey.
  15. I have to disagree here. I've seen Schobel have some pretty great games, I have yet to see him dominate over a complete season.
  16. Huh? So what? So by your rational if any player who is projected in the 1st slips to the second we should pass them up? Thank God you're not in charge.
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