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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. I love the pick. I'm an Eric Wood fan. BTW Doesn't he look like the kid from Bad Santa all grown up?
  2. I respect your opinion but we are going on year 4 of Donte at SS, how much more slack should we give him? Maybe another year or two? Just because you're a warrior doesn't mean you have to play SS, there are warrior's at FS too. As far as what I've seen that makes me think he's more of a FS then SS? The last 5 or 6 games last year when the coaching staff who drafted him as a SS moved him to FS and put Scott in, Donte actually looked comfortable back there and he seemed to be able to call better coverage from back there. You realize that Donte is sort of the QB of our secondary don't you? He can see the field better 10 yards off then 4. I think Donte's strong point is his brain.
  3. I understand that. I made the post sort of tongue-in-cheek, however I think Donte's talents are better used at FS.
  4. What kind of question is that? I'll answer just to see your ridiculous reasoning: Yes Now answer me this: What has Whitner done that makes you think he's more of an "in the box" SS then a FS with decent instincts? If you answer that he's a "Hard Hitting" SS like Deep2Evans then maybe you need to watch more football.
  5. Especially on this play http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yuh6G7MVsOQ Whitner belongs at FS.
  6. I was thinking he looked like the "talking walnut" kid from Bad Santa all grown up.
  7. If we drafted Lazy Andre at all it would be a huge disappointment, if we somehow manage to trade up for this lummox I'll just laugh at the joke the Bills have finally become and call it an offseason. I feel like I'm on some stupid hidden camera show where Ashton douchebag Kutcher is going to pop out and tell me I'm being punked by the team I love. Not that this has gotten me worked up at all, I'm just saying that if it does happen, I'll just laugh and call it a summer.
  8. Here's a little article I found about Jason Peter's http://blog.footballguys.com/category/jason-peters/ Notice that in 2007 we ran the ball to the right side MUCH better then the left. If anyone here knows where I can find these same stats for 2008, I'd love to see them.
  9. Happy Holiday boys and girls(and Crayonz).
  10. I completely agree. Why would any Bills fan want Smith after what we went through with Fat Mike. Smith has bust written all over him. Here are just a few reasons: *Smith not only had a poor combine but it was reported that the reason was he didn't work out in preparation for it. WHAT? *Not only that, when he realized the mistake he made by not being prepared he just left the combine abruptly. WHAT(again)? *It was reported that he bombed on his pro day, which I normally would not put too much stock in but considering his combine problems, well... The kid shows all the signs of being lazy. YEAH that's the guy I want! If we draft Lazy Andre with anything other then our 3rd or lower then I will have completely lost all faith in our drafting abilities.
  11. You want replace one lazy OT with another? Geez...
  12. The silver lining is now we don't have a fat, lazy OT that doesn't want to be here. I love people that think we're better off with a guy that DOES NOT want to play for us. Truthfully I think trading a top 5 OT is the worst move ever but if the guy is unhapy then he's nothing more then a distraction. IDK how many people here have ever run a co. or been in a position of power at their work but if you have then you should know that once an employee is disenchanted and asking for too much then it's time to part ways. I swear if it were up to the GM's here at TSW we'd be 100 million over the cap with a bunch of over-rated jerkoffs crowding the sidelines.
  13. I agree. Either they are in a different time or there was an F up in the show. I doubt it was the latter, I'm not sure why more people aren't picking up on that.
  14. That's the jest that I got, the statement is somewhat worthless if that's the case however. I think we all knew that already. That's Brandon's version of politispeak.
  15. I believe that they do value JP. I also believe that they want to keep JP, however the quote is vague and I wouldn't read anything into it. What else is he supposed to say if he thinks re-signing him is still an option?
  16. "trying to get something done" is vague and can mean more then "We're trying to lock him up".
  17. I wish the Exec. Chef I work with was an ex-chef.
  18. I think Jim is one of the least miserable chef's I have ever known. I know you were being tongue in cheek but seriously most chef's I've known are miserable.
  19. Yeah like the gems you've started: "Best Buffalo PIZZA" or "Maybe Dick Jauron Really IS the Grim Reaper" Real relevant. BTW How many years of military service do you have? I'm guessing none.
  20. Not so much, it should be in 80's today...
  21. Mike and Mike are one of the worst things on radio. Greenie is an arrogant dimwit, with a splash of homer and that babbling, lummix Golic is in constant "backtrack" mode. On top of that, they don't even have the balls to take callers. Take anything they say with a grain of salt.
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