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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. Some silicone sister with a manager mister told me I go what it takes She said "I'll turn you on sonny to something strong
  2. Halfwits shouldn't count. The guy can barely form a sentence.
  3. Oh Booo Hooo! Go root for another team then. You guys sound like a lot of fun to be around.
  4. That guys with gay first names throw for a lot of yards in college?
  5. James I look forward to your posts. At times I think I would be "Lost" when it came to "Lost" if it weren't for your insight. So here's a thanks and here's to what's hopefully another great episode tonight
  6. That's only so they can see the field better
  7. I don't dislike Donte, in fact I've said in this thread that I hope he does succeed but please let's not compare him to Bob Sanders. I've seen Bob Sanders change games with just his presence on the field, I would love to see that from Whitner but there is nothing he has done in the last 3 years that makes me think he is capable of that. I don't care where he was drafted and have not yet brought that up so I'm not sure where that argument comes from. My problem with Donte is that it seems as though his mouth runs harder then he does. He is his biggest fan, and while I have no problem with someone talking up a big game, if they do then they should back it up. It's one thing to talk like a leader and it's another to play like one. Maybe my expectations are too high but I would like to see both from our supposed leader.
  8. Could you imagine how good they would be if we had a good pass rush?
  9. It will be hilarious. I hope it happens, on the other hand if it doesn't and he's average again, for the 4th year will it still be hilarious?
  10. He would absorb all of the electricity into his (near)lifeless body and intensify it with his awaiting soul, he then would let out a groan that would shake the heavens and unleash an energy source through his eyes and mouth that would manifest itself into a 6 ft 190 lb CB with only 1 hand. After the smoke clears we will be left with our new 3rd string nickleback. And Jauron said it was good.
  11. The guy hasn't played 1 NFL down so to make that statement shows a bit of ignorance.
  12. This will give you a great resource for exercises as well as muscle groups http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/exercises.htm
  13. The goal is the playoffs? I think the head coach should say the goal is to win the superbowl, not just the playoffs.
  14. When you do I can give you one suggestion and that is to dedicate one whole day to only shoulders i.e, delts and traps. They are a cornerstone to building your upper body if not the cornerstone.
  15. Have you come up with a routine or split yet?
  16. I went from 168 to and currently am 190 and from 18% bf to 12% over 2 years. This is just a quick synopsis Here's how I did it: *Eat, eat and eat. Any bodybuilder will tell you that 90% of how they got to where they got was through diet. *I went out and bought about 6 lbs of chicken breast a week. I made stir fry, lemon pepper chicken, bar-b-que and so on. Eat more greens then any other veg and make sure you get fat in your diet. Nuts and such. Tuna of coarse is great and red meat from time to time is good, although it's not too lean so limit that. *I only lift 4 times a week, rest is important and overtraining will be your biggest enemy after about a month or so. *Change your routine up every 4-6 weeks *Protein shakes!!!!!! (with creatine, makes it easier with less shakes) *Pre-workout Nitric beverage *Compete with yourself/make it a competition If you have any specific questions go ahead and ask. What are your exact goals?
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