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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. Only after the rest of our team hands in their jersey's as protest.
  2. BTW. I don't think I've ever watched a better written sitcom. 30 Rock, once you learn to identify with the characters, is IMHO pretty flawless.
  3. It's Wycliff, I'm sure of it and I think that was Norah Jones.
  4. No he's the other one with Michael Mcdonald. I was tryin' to figure out who the guy w/ the Beastie's was.
  5. I think it's time for another youtube thread, and why not make it about movies this time? Here are a couple to start: One Crazy Summer Rad
  6. You have Mexican hockey fans pissing on your rug? What dimension are you living in? Mexican hockey fans?
  7. What does that matter? I don't understand the point you're trying to make here. They did it last year after a one year overhaul and that alone proves it can be done. I could care less what they do this year, next year or 10 years from now, that was not the point of the post. The Fins may or may not have been a fluke but at least they pulled out a division win and playoff birth. Whether you like the Fins or not(I hate them more then any other team) you have to respect what Parcelles and Sparano did down here. They took the worst team in the NFL and made them a division champ in one year.
  8. The Fins did it in one AND went from last to first.
  9. I think this one should be yellow due to the waffle effect.
  10. I have to agree, Herd is a moron, whether he's talking about the Bills or not.
  11. A lot more talented then the schmucks here who think Madden=NFL. We may not agree with everything the FO does but truth is they are a lot more qualified then you, me or 99% of the people that post here.
  12. Yeah let's jettison one of our most clutch WR's over the last 2 years, someone that actually seems to like playing in Buff. IDK what games you've been watching but at times it seems to me that Josh is the heart of this offense. I wish we had 10 more guys on O that had his fire sometimes. Even though he had some trouble in the past with his hands, I think he's more then made up for it. Reed has been one of the few that has embraced Buffalo and it bothers me that some still dismiss him. Not for nothing but the guy has kept his nose clean as well, something that seems very hard for our younger leaders on this team. I would rather Josh mentor some of these guys instead of the numbskulls that are getting tasered and pulled over with guns.
  13. Ha! I was just thinking the same thing. I know, like everyone else, I give you sh-- but you just keep on chuggin'. I'm a bit surprised by your rebounding ability.
  14. Well, I'm glad he didn't fall then. I wouldn't draft the guy in the 3rd rd.
  15. Yeah the guy has bust written all over him. I'm surprised that so many here wanted to draft him, sort of like Malcolm Kelly last year. All I can say is that I'm glad that the board GM's we have here are not in charge.
  16. Rain Wilson has the wrong idea about sex http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrvOPdI6VGg...feature=related Points for anyone that knows were this is from.... Patton Oswalt Chimes in. MBNSFW not sure http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsSIi1ZRcl4
  17. No one has said Delgado yet? I think he's always been clean. JMO
  18. I think it's a lame excuse. If he was legit he would a) appeal and/or b) tell us the name of the prescription, Manny is being vague for a reason. Also I doubt he is naive enough to just take something/anything that a doctor prescribes without checking if it was on the banned list, he has too much at stake to just "believe" a doc for his word. Ramirez has never struck me as a dumb person.
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