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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=89663
  2. Do you have documentation to prove otherwise? I. THOUGHT. NOT.
  3. Whether you want it to be or not. >
  4. You may be this boards equivalent to Courtney Love as far as brain power goes but in this case you're right Nancy. Rhodes name doesn't belong in the same sentence as Taylor's no matter what spin you try to put on it. I will however say that I am biased, I've known Fred and followed his career since he was a soph. in HS but with that I can tell you that he is a freak of nature and don't be surprised if he has a couple of more brilliant seasons before he retires. Furthermore you're right when you say that it's this mentality that has caused our playoff drought to last this long.
  5. I don't want to get started in this thread so I won't elaborate but this is the best post here. When it comes to proving their point Scientists and Bible thumpers are interchangeable, neither want to hear what the other has to say. And no I am not a bible thumper just someone who is sick of the thumpers and nerds fighting about something neither can prove.
  6. You bring up a good point. TO may be a troublemaker but he has kept his nose clean legally speaking, which is more then we can say about other Bills stars past and present.
  7. The tittle says it all. I know the big 4 in the 90's got star attention but they didn't make nearly as much news as TO. Flutie was was adored by the media but I don't remember exactly how much coverage he used to get and I wasn't around for the OJ years so the only media coverage I remember on him was the trial(s). Have Bills fans ever experienced what they're about to experience with TO?
  8. Disclaimer: This does not fall under the cat. of "Bad Movie" in fact it is just the opposite. I just thought lumping it up in here might be better then starting it's own thread. I just finished watching Ferris Bueller for the first time in maybe 2 years. I forgot what a good movie that was. The first 20 minutes of that movie are flawless, They introduce every character so perfectly that it sets up the rest of the movie up to be pretty damn funny. If more teen comedies were like this nowadays I might actually give one a shot.
  9. I'm pretty sure I saw George Seifert there.
  10. 8 each. Like lacoy said I think it's going to be the "little guys" so to speak that get a good amount of TD's.
  11. Yeah? And that qualifies him as a journeyman? You must be off your rocker there sweetheart.
  12. He's been with the Bills his entire career so get your facts straight Nancy. It must hurt to be as stupid as you are.
  13. Don't bother replying to her Deano. She's just pissy because she'd rather have Tom Brady in her mouth then get the ass-ramming TSW gives her every time she tries to post her version of reality.
  14. Why does it matter how they did it? They did it. I know this is real difficult for people to understand but try anyways. I was responding to a poster who said that gutting the team and starting over was a setback.
  15. Thank you for that. RIP Mitch you are missed. Unless you know Mitch's delivery it's hard to truly get his humor. The guy was pretty great with his timing, whether he meant to be or not.
  16. I'm in love with Tina. Her comedy takes her from a 6 to an 8.
  17. Great flick Also, I couldn't find a good clip but I used to LOVE "Just one of the guys". I'll remember it as the first movie I ever watched that had ya-ya's. Good memories. Now that I'm so desensitized to ya-ya's in movies I'll always hold that as the first step in my moral decline.
  18. Shhhh. Let's let San Jose decide for us what jokes we can and can not make. I'm sure he's a funny enough guy that he can tell us what we should and should not laugh at, especially when it comes to posters who have been posting on this board well before he was aware it even existed.
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