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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. Those three that you mentioned along with more then half of the other posters in this thread have contributed more to this site then you, ronnie or most people on this board. TBD & TSW have become in some ways part of being a Buffalo Bills fan, just ask any of the former players, coaches or columnists that post here. It's because of people like the ones you berate that we have the following here that we do. I do agree that this site is meant for fun but on the other hand it has become a club of sorts, a club of people who have gotten to know each other through the years but also a club that is easy to get into unless you continually make a fool of yourself i.e. Soprano. Hell even Skooby has a place here. I guess what I'm saying is that if you can't take the heat then maybe another board is more appropriate. I went through a similar thing a while ago when I posted about a few players I've ran into and I'm still here through the 8 or so page attack I had to deal with and I've been coming here for 9 years. Those posters who you called out will eat you or anyone that comes across as phony for breakfast as would the majority of old timers here(I know you aren't really an old timer Sage) if they so desired.
  2. Why is it that you "Hate" other people who are in the know but it's okay when you are in the know? Are you jealous because the guy you are in the "Know" with sucks?
  3. I've been watching football for 25 years and in those 25 years I would say that these guys are better WR's then TO: Rice Moss Tim Brown Art Monk Marvin Harrison Chris Carter Steve Largent Michael Irvin Andre Reed Here's a list of guys that I didn't see play that I would put ahead of Owens: Paul Warfield Lance Alworth Don Huston By my count Owens fits right between 13-15.
  4. That was my reaction. He was to. BoSox also.
  5. We get that you don't have a problem with players running their mouths(Unless it's Peyton Manning). Here's a news-flash for you neither do I. TO however takes it too far, there is a reason he keeps moving from team to team. Unless you believe it's some huge NFL conspiracy. Guy's who have something to say is fine but guys who never shut up are annoying and boring. PS if you don't have a problem with players running their mouths then why did you post in a thread about a player running his mouth. It seems you have some sort of pro-TO agenda you need to get out of your system.
  6. I'm no hero, I was definitely a burden on her for many years when I was younger. Everything I am today is thanks to her.
  7. Like Peyton runs that sh-- in Indy, all TO has ever run is his mouth. Peyton may be spoiled and he may be a prick IDK but I do know that his team and his coaches respect him and they listen when he speaks. Peyton has also led his team to a SB win and TO has not. Peyton may or not be one of the top 5 ever at his position and TO will be lucky if people mention him in the top 20. When people like Manning speak up others listen and when people like TO speak up they talk.
  8. Is there anything wrong with the theory of both God and evolution? I can say that I am on the side of the fence that believes in a higher power but that as humans we may never understand what that higher power is. There are different names for it, God or Karma being the most commonly used but when we try to define it we are taking power from it's actual being. I'm not looking for an argument, just a some good insight on what others think. Here are a couple of videos that I find very interesting when talking about the combo of Science and God: What are your thoughts?
  9. All of these rankings are stupid but it's fun to play along sometimes and watch everyone get their panties in a bunch over what others think.
  10. We were ranked 14th in rushing yards and our QB was 23rd in passing yards so anything above 15 is too high IMO. 27th is too low however, I'm thinking more 18-22 range. We tend to over-value our beloved team. I do think we have the potential for a top 5 backfield with better blocking.
  11. That's the factor he's failing to enter into the equation.
  12. Right after Ketchup and Mustard but just ahead of tomatoes.
  13. IDK if anyone remembers or cares about this situation but I just wanted to post an update because I was bored. This is the first time since Jan. I've had 2 days off in a row and I don't know what to do with myself other then hang with you jerks. So here's the update:In the middle of Jan. I was hired as a waiter at a new restaurant that was opening in Wellington, FL not too far from my home. I had gotten out of the "Biz" for awhile but work is work and I'm good at what I do so what the hay. By mid-March I was promoted to Rest. Manager and am making a pretty fine living now and we are getting busier by the week which is surprising being that it's off season(a very good sign for a new restaurant). It's a semi-fine dining place and not some hole-in-the wall and it's run by one of the finer Exec. Chef's in Palm Beach, He's built himself a pretty nice reputation and "Fan base" over the last 20 years working in the area and it seems to have followed him on here. Good things come to those that wait and believe that they are doing the right thing. I wanted to thank everyone for their help when I needed it and if you are ever in the Area Dinner is truly on me.
  14. Look, I want to argue, I really do but not about where sporting news thinks all MLB's are ranked, that's just ridiculous and a waste of brain power. I will say this though because it is worth the argument, Tom Brady is not an anomaly. It's not easy but it's also not a miracle to find late round talent. Here are a few off of the top of my head who along with Brady are future if not already HOFer's. Examples: Terrell Davis - 6th rd Zach Thomas - 5th rd Richard Dent - 8th rd A couple you may be familiar with: Andre Reed - 4th rd Steve Tasker - 9th rd Where a player is drafted only dictates how many chances they get by said team due to the financial burden that comes along with them. For every bust there is a hit and vice versa. I'm guessing that the ratio deteriorates as the rounds play on but so does the financial risk. All that being said, I could care less if Willis was drafted in the first round and Poz in the second. I only care about what the Sporting News thinks.
  15. Really? That means nothing. Tom Brady was a 6th rounder and Losman was a 1st, we all know how that turned out so I fail to see why drafting matters in this.
  16. #1 These rankings don't mean anything so settle down. #2 If you think 19 out of 32 is "good" then your standards are too low. IF Poz improves next year according to these "rankings" that will be good, IMO Poz has a lot to prove still.
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