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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. I've seen that before, forgot all about it. That's what 3 days straight of yayo can do.
  2. I agree, I love me some Brussel Sprouts! Edit: Try pan searing them in a lite garlic broth then add a bit of grated parm before you eat it. Amazing stuff...
  3. I want to hate it, but it makes me laugh so I can't.
  4. Wretched Bud South Florida fandom Iron Chef Superbad<--- Yeah I said it Mets heart or lack thereof Bushmills<--- Jameson please Spitters Dana Carvey post SNL Waiting to use a bench at the gym just so the schmuck sitting there can stare at the mirror while "Getting Psyched" for his next set. Being Layed-Off People who talk about things they have no idea about.
  5. You should change your name to Inspector Gadget with that reach.
  6. You sound like you may be as big a Natalie fan as I am. I Loved Closer for only one reason.
  7. That video brought immediate tears to my eyes, I couldn't help it they just started rolling down my face. I've seen someone die before, more then once actually, yet I've never had that type of reaction. That poor girl, her poor family. I was struck. Her family will be in my thoughts and she will forever be remembered... However Big Man I have to disagree with you once again, interfering will only make things worse. This revolt/protest or whatever you would like to call it and the governments reaction to it is going to reshape Iran's future IMO and any action the US or anyone else outside of Iran takes should be carefully considered. Worldwide anger should be let known but not reacted upon at this point. Even though it's "Guns vs. Cell phones", we have to step back and realize that the guns may win the individual battles but in the long run it will be the ones who are peacefully showing the world these atrocities that will victor. It's actually more impressive to sit back and watch this all unfold then it is to butte our noses in it at this early a stage. That being said, if things continue to progress in terms of heinous activities by Iran's Gvmt. and war is declared on the innocent then I would be all for someone/anyone, even the US stepping in. RIP Neda I pray that you have not died in vein.
  8. Gotta go with Leon. Great flick, as was Nikita but The Professional was just a bit better. In related news I read an article where Portman was interested in reprising her role and Besson was working on a way to make it happen. IDK how much truth there is to the rumor but Natalie Portman had an article about it recently on her website. I for one would be pretty stoked to see a sexy all grown-up Mathilda on screen poppin' caps.
  9. Went in for the benefits and became "Gung-Ho" shortly after AIT. It's funny how it works, I think the increased confidence the military gives you can dramatically change your outlook on your priorities in life or perhaps it's just a tad of so-called brain-washing...
  10. While you were in Texas did you ever have the unfortunate opportunity to see GoodFellow AFB? I spent 6 months there, San Angelo talk about a depressing town!
  11. People who doom & gloom feel the need to be heard. They could care less if they have a point or not just as long as you "hear them out". I feel sorry for people who go through life with the need to be heard and right all the time and we seem to have our share of "Chicken Littles" around here. Then again it's been like that since I started coming here 10 or so years ago. I'm not so sure if they're "Trolls" but I think it's more the case of getting a hold of Daddy's CPU.
  12. Anyone who thinks Josh Reed needs to go doesn't know poop about football. This board has gotten ridiculous. He's been as consistent as anyone on our team over the last 2-3 years, He actually likes playing in Buffalo and He keeps his nose clean with the law, yeah sounds like someone we don't want around here. Dumbasses.
  13. I'm glad they won, Susan has an amazing voice but I think she was made more popular by her story. That being said I don't want to take anything away from her but the show is about talent and not talent+story.
  14. You mean you're not a chick? You sure do B word a lot for a dude.
  15. He's not worth your effort PTP, just let him continue in his made up, candyass world.
  16. If you only knew how far off you were! You were probably picking up the new World of Warcraft for you and your girlfriends to pretend you were real men while I was doing my second tour in Iraq so you can go get a clue gorgeous. Thanks Mary I needed another laugh from another wannabe, like Deano said, let the adults talk sweetheart. BTW do you expect people to put real pics of there women on THIS site with these mooks? You really are dumb.
  17. Hamdan's poop is used as currency in Argentina.
  18. You are the only one talking about comic books, paying for girls and living in your parents basement yet you say this site is just for fun? You call people a douche nozzle but you do it in a post when you claim "We're all Bills fans". Boo freakin' Hoo. You can't help but contradict yourself. You can pretend to be a big shot all you want on here but truth is you need to go get over it, you're not the first nor will you be the last that cries when people are being mean to them on here. It's old and boring. Edit: Going back and re-reading your post, I have concluded that you can't be older then 18. You sound like a kid at my work who says everything is "Gay", then again you are from Boston.
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