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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. Been watching season one again and there is no doubt in my mind that the MIB has been in Locke since at the very least the crash. He doesn't seem evil though, more along the lines of an observer/guide/teacher. I can hardly wait to see how this all will play out.
  2. I'm loving everything I'm hearing about Wood also if Ellis steps it up and can give us 3-5 sacks this year it could be huge for our D. I'm starting to get pumped. Buffalo Bills football should be about #@!*ing sh!% up and it seems that we are finally heading in the right direction.
  3. WHY ARE YOU YELLING AT US? Is that you Yoda Dean?
  4. I know he's giving his honest opinion and I somewhat agree with it(maybe a first). The thing is though that DA Big Man likes to stir the pot and he's pretty good at it.
  5. What's up Biggie? Are we out to cause trouble again?
  6. I would've but I decided to stop with the self punishment about a year ago. That board reminds me of this quote by Milton R. Sapirstein: “There is nobody as enslaved as the fanatic, the person in whom one impulse, one value, has assumed ascendancy over all others.” That place is full of the ridiculi populous.
  7. Take your positive outlook back to PPP...
  8. I was supposed to go next weekend but have to work instead, story of my life 3rd year in a row. I always say next year but same sh--. The nice thing though is that I usually have that option, the come every year for 2 consecutive days(Fri, Sat) like clockwork.
  9. Not that I'm a huge Clinton fan but I gotsta give the man credit on this one, although I'm sure there's a lot more to the story then will ever be reported... http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090805/ap_on_...ournalists_held BTW I haven't seen this posted yet although I didn't check page two.
  10. So at what point damj can I claim victory?
  11. Now I can be on board with that Chef, seems more appropriate in this forum.
  12. Not offended I just think we can come up with a better term then 'Hijack".
  13. That's an awful term, couldn't we think of something else to say?
  14. Can someone please explain this thread to me? Hijack?
  15. So just a couple of questions to all in the anti-Vick camp: If the Bills DO sign him, will you root for him when he's in the game? Will you drop the standards of your personal morals if bringing him in as a gimmick/backup QB means that the playoffs might be abound? There were a LOT of T.O. haters dancing around here until T.O. was signed... I am no advocate of Michael Vick and never have been, I just don't like the guy, furthermore what he did to those dogs is atrocious and horrible, however I am not his judge nor his jury and because of that I stand on the fence about both his reinstatement and the possibility of the Bills signing him. I wouldn't hang out with the guy but also I'm not sure I would hate it if he was a Bill and if that meant a playoff birth in the wings. In today's NFL/NBA/MLB lots of teams have thugs and criminals and we tolerate it, what Vick did however stands out because of it's cruelty. I think some are more sensitive to this then others, I for one am. Michael Vick is a Son of a B word for what he did but the NFL is full of SOB's...
  16. You don't have to go to Autozone, I have the code right here; up up down down left right left right b a b a select start You're welcome
  17. I'm with you on this bro, but let's not forget that this is the official start of "Chicken Little" season. This is the time of year when the sky starts to cave in on us allllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Who cares? I'll take Publix Fried Chicken over the colonel's ANYDAY.
  19. I'd rather the Bills go after Graham Parsons.
  20. LOVE the Avatar. How many people see a leprachaun? Say Yeah!!!
  21. Sounds like Steely Dan had another "episode".
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