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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. Ignore? hmmmm I'll consider that, I was just holding out hope that you'd post something interesting and objective one day instead of spending your time looking for ways to act like a moron. If you ever do bring something to the table that doesn't come across as homerism maybe you'd be more welcome around here. There are fans from other boards that post here and when they do they're usually welcomed. You just have some sort of attention deficiency and it's pretty easy to sense.
  2. Oh...Good, you're back. Still trying to fill that void where your soul used to be when you became a Pats fan by instigating like a fool on opposing boards? We haven't had a good idiotfest in a couple of days, but you're here now so the party can begin!
  3. It's pretty sad when the three things they're commemorating are a tackle, our inception and a comeback. Don't get me wrong, I have Bills pride in all 3 but these are our highlights over the last 50 years?
  4. You get a life!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKXIa9oBdnM
  5. I love this line in particular "We can't say exactly what's in the heart of Raiders owner Al Davis – probably methane, metal gears, bats – but it seems safe to assume that he would be willing to spend something like $194 billion over five years for a guy with 3.73 speed."
  6. I want to third that. I almost feel embarrassed for not mentioning him, he was great. The scene where he walks in on them talking about the theater with Shoshana made many in the theater squirm. Also Pitt speaking Italian was a great schtick.
  7. Alright I just got home from seeing it and I think I have to put it 2nd to only Pulp Fiction as far as Tarantino's good stuff. Very, very well done. Loved Eli Roth as "The Bear Jew" and "Stiglitz" was fun to watch as well. I wish we could've seen more of the "Basterds" however... their scenes were fun for a lack of a better word. Pitt, as stated earlier in this thread was pretty great. In fact his performance in this is comparable to some of his other great work, Kalifornia comes to mind. Also, as usual Quintin's soundtrack was great, Bowie's Cat People may have been the only recognizable song(and the scene with it was damn steller) but the score definitely added to this flic much similar to the way Kill Bill was enhanced by its. I haven't enjoyed a movie enough to want to review it in a while. This one has ended that streak. If you're going to see it and are expecting a heartfelt WWII drama or a chaotic action movie with no heart whatsoever then you'll be a little struck because it's somewhere in between. I can best describe it as fun with a side of gratification.
  8. You've been here since 03? Well I guess you haven't noticed the wave we ride around here, it goes something like this: End of July early Aug - We rule Mid to end of Aug - We suck Early Sept to mid Oct - We rule End of Oct to mid July - We suck Then it starts all over. You see now? This is how we do around here
  9. My face is explode (now that would be a suitable smiley for this board)
  10. I also don't mean to bash Tarantino, I happen to really like his films but while his movie making style is original his ideas are not. Kill Bill = http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0158714/ Reservoir Dogs = http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0093435/ UP next for Tarantino? A "Faster Pussycat" remake
  11. I'm guessing because of the 1978 Italian movie Quel maledetto treno blindato, which in case anyone was wondering was called Inglorious bastards in the US. Fred Williamson starred. That's right folks this is a loose remake of an older film. I'm thinking Tarantino doesn't want too many people knowing that so he mis-spelled the title to throw off the scent a little bit...
  12. 12 Monkeys and se7en were also roles that Pitt did a great job in.
  13. I may have finally found a reason to get an iphone.
  14. You're right we embarrass ourselves You're the one who continues to come to a place that doesn't really like you. I guess I'm different but when I'm not feeling welcome I move on, then again some of us instigate due to a lack of anything better in our lives. I'm sure you'll come up with a witty reply about me being either a)pothead b)a Bills fan or some variation of the sort. That's cool though, it'll give us all more material to snicker at you with.
  15. IDK anything about Slacker but I'll check it out. Pandora really lets you modify your stations with the add variety button. Also it gives you info on the band, the album and the song that's playing...
  16. Just saying, this is the way radio should be. Now if they can only figure out a way to put it in my car...
  17. I also like that it happened against Belichump. You know it had to get to him that Chad not only kicked an EP and celebrated but had a helluva kickoff too.
  18. I was watching that game with a friend of OchoCinco's, a buddy of mine who used to play CB for the Chiefs/Redskins and he turned to me and said that Chad may be one of the best athletes he's ever been around. That's saying a lot since we grew up playing pickup ball with Fred Taylor and Anquan Boldin and a few other guys who made it to the show. Ochocinco is a helluva a Basketball player as well. Boldin runs a kids camp down here in the Glades and Chad shows up every year. I met him once and he seemed like the nicest guy to be around, almost as if everyone around him gravitates towards him.
  19. Looks like the Dog-faced boy has grown all up to be a full fledged Werewolf, nice.
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