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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. IMO Poz is overrated anyways and Buggs can't do much worse... Don't get me wrong I like Poz but he hasn't shown much other then his flowing locks and jumbo neck.
  2. No man love I just don't find the need to hate on someone just because I'm jealous of them. The guy has thrown for 70+ TD's and is only 5 rushing TD's behind Herschel Walker for the SEC rushing TD record. He has 2 national championships(so far) and 1 heisman(so far). When all is said and done barring injury Tebow will account for close to 150 TD's in less then 55 games. If you can't give the guy credit then you are a hater, plain and simple.
  3. I love Tebow haters, They remind me of Yankee haters. I guess it's okay to hate on something you envy...
  4. I agree with all points but one nobody is making is what the screen pass does for our pass blocking. If we can continue to run the screenpass effectively it will take pressure off of the oline. Defensive fronts will have to respect the screen and may not come as hard every time. I believe Trent may have mentioned this in a post game interview.
  5. I picked the Pats and won 165.00. Pick with your brain and not your heart, You'll be happier.
  6. I was overall impressed with our performance on Mon. night. I think if we played every game this season as well as this last one then we'll win more then we'll lose. A few observations: It wouldn't surprise me at all if somewhere down the line one day Kyle Williams earns a bid to the pro bowl even as an alternate. He always seems to be around the ball and he is only getting better as far as I can tell. Schobel played like he has something to prove, I hope it continues. Leodis WILL be a pro bowler one day. He plays the run almost as well as the pass and is on his way to becoming a complete corner. I couldn't be happier about our Oline, the interior part to be more specific. I don't remember having a TE as athletic as Nelson seems to be. I like it. Our LB's are the weak link on this team. Jackson should be the number 1 RB and Lynch the change of pace. Trent played well but he still scares me. Maybin didn't impress me as much as others but I'm sure that will change with time, it was his first game.
  7. Probably the same thing you're basing your theory on: speculation.
  8. That's fine and I agree but let the wallowers wallow, don't be a d!ck...
  9. Just to play devil's advocate---->The Pats* secondary is pretty suspect.
  10. There's no need for that, the reason we have this board is so that people can express how they feel about the Bills. We don't need you telling anyone to STFU...
  11. I was 29. Then again I started late, I was married at 20 and divorced at 24, that's when I started my partying lifestyle. I think 5 years or so of a careless lifestyle was enough. Don't get me wrong, I still have a good time now and again but I've definitely hit the brakes...
  12. DC is great if you like crackhead mayors and murdering...
  13. I was with you until that part, dude you're from DC, you have no room to talk...
  14. Every once in a while when you post I just want to yell "How many Ya'll see a leprachaun?"
  15. Why would I make fun of him because he's fat? I don't make fun of you for being gay...
  16. Why do you have such a hardon for Eric King? You've posted about him before haven't you?
  17. I love how everyone gets on Walker, like he did something to us as Bills fans. He may have been a fatass but he is/was a better athlete then 2/3 of the fatasses on this board. I'm not a LW fan but I have no reason to make fun of him...
  18. I couldn't agree more. It's your life, if you can cash in, then cash in when you can. Financial security is a major life goal for most, if you can do it at an early age I say go for it. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for getting an education, in fact I'll be going for my masters next semester but school is not for everyone...
  19. Are you suggesting that because they were similar players that they will be similar coaches? Because Gary Kubiak and Jason Garrett fall under those guidelines as well and they did fine as OC's.
  20. I think this is great news. At least it shows a sense of urgency...
  21. I won't feel dumb, the only ones who will feel dumb are the idiots that think they can predict anything by watching preseason games. Some of us prefer to wait until the season starts before we slit our wrists
  22. I knew all their problems were caused by this board...
  23. You used the word now in your thread title(which you made on Aug 29th) indicating that somewhere in between the Peters trade and Aug 29th you believe that something has changed on our oline and if you think something has changed based on a couple of PRESEASON games then you are an idiot. Truthfully our oline sucked last year and this year it probably wont be any better, however it is younger. Peters can take his panties to Philly, We have men on the line who actually like football now. It's pretty obvious that JP is in it for the $ and Buffalo can't/won't afford players like that.
  24. You are an idiot. Plain and simple. You are everything that is wrong with intelligent fans that want to interact with other intelligent fans.
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