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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. Maybe I don't. Much to my dismay I believe I think too rationally to gage a proper direction...
  2. You have to remember that most people don't live in that world. People turn a blind eye to things as drastic as the ones you mention. What Vick did is atrocious but he's served his time. Each individual will react differently to that last statement. As you feel differently then I do and so on. What I find really ridiculous is that this would be the last straw for people. That's pretty humorous. So what people are saying is that watching this franchise being run into the ground year after year is okay but if the Bills hire Vick said people will then, finally have had enough? That is just stoopid. I guarantee if Vick comes to the Bills and the Bills were to make the playoffs then 95% of those that were against Vick would either a. purchase tickets to that game or b. watch it on TV - either way those same people will be rooting for the Bills.
  3. I hope all that happens just so we won't draft a QB in the first 4 rounds. We need to sure up our lines, end of story. That is if we want whomever our QB is too succeed.
  4. This is a very narrow-minded POV. It is however your opinion and you're entitled to it but to say that there is no talent involved with rapping is ignorant. I can't do it and I doubt you could either...
  5. I'll give you that. I stay outta the whole Hamden=GOD thing but you have a point here and it's that the Hamden fans are loyal and maybe they do deserve this. I say whomever starts = We Win... which really just means we lose.
  6. Whomever said Big Lebowski is the Win. Yes, /thread.
  7. It's been brought up on here a few times. Personally I'm not a Gallo fan. I want to be but I just don't like his style.
  8. Also ANYTHING by Luc Besson. esp. The Professional and Fifth Element.
  9. D&C Memento Pre Dogma Kevin Smith Braveheart Pulp Fiction Donnie Darko w commentary on. Remember the Titans Rocky II Matrix A waking life I heart Huckabees Breakfast at Tiffany's Beetlejuice A long Kiss Goddnight The Usual Suspects Interview with a Vampire(much cooler then this recent wave of vamp flicks). Heathers Bill and Ted(underrated ridiculousness) Pee Wee's Big Adventure My Life I love movies bro, I grew up working at a Blockbuster because of that fact. I never really participate in these movie discussions simply because I know that I'll do things like reply to my own threads and kick myself for forgetting to insert a flick on a list and it will bug me. But since you started it, I thought I'd jump in. I think we have similar taste in some regard. This is just a quick list, I gotta go to work so more will follow later.
  10. For the first time I at one of your posts. That was funny.
  11. BTW What number is Brohm wearing? I'm trying to determine how good a QB he's going to be, also if anyone knows what type of car he drives it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  12. You're going to learn to dicipline your image. You think I got where I am today because I dressed like Peter Pan here? Take a look at what I'm wearing people. You think anyone wants a roundhouse kick to the face while I'm wearing these bad boys? Forget about it. My students will learn about self-respect. Do you think anybody thinks I'm a failure because I go home to Starla at night? Forget about it.
  13. How about bringing Brohm along slowly? It's said that he has all the tools but he needs better decision making, sounds like the ideal candidate for someone to learn the game before being thrown to the wolves. It worked with Aaron Rogers, Steve Mcnair and others. We need to be concentrating on getting our Oline right, getting a vet. QB for a year or two and maybe then give Brohm the reigns. If done correctly he may be able to step into an ideal situation and gain early confidence which would be perfect for a young QB to step in. Plus why even teach him our playbook at this time? He'll have a new one in a month. Be patient. I want to see what he's got also but I'm tired of our team mismanaging our QB sit.
  14. It makes me laugh at how seriously you take things. lol. Did you really think I was serious? You need to lighten up.
  15. So? I say do it anyway. Eff the establishment. I say the Bills new regime should be Anarchists. Anything is better then the current nihilists running the roost.
  16. Back in '82 I used to be able to throw the pigskin a quarter mile.
  17. How much you wanna make a bet I can throw a football over them mountains?... Yeah... Coach woulda put me in fourth quarter, we would've been state champions. No doubt. No doubt in my mind. That's what I'm talkin' bout.
  18. Steve Blackman used to be a regular at the Ale House I used to manage. Super super nice guy, his arms are bigger then my head. Side note: Shaking hands w him is like holding a dead fish. I think he was scared to hurt people. He's a teddy bear.
  19. I've been away for a couple of days so I hadn't seen that yet. Really? Herm Edwards? Do you watch football? Jauron made him look like Kotite last year. Herm Edwards? I watch him on First Take when he's on and he sounds like a moron who constantly contradicts himself. He seems like a nice guy but so did Dick Jauron.
  20. The NFL takes the NFL waaaaaaaaay too seriously. I understand that its one of the highest grossing businesses in this country and because of that they have to enforce some kind of standards and practices however they need to also realize that it's just entertainment.
  21. This post is one of the funniest I've read in awhile, because well, just because.
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