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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. That's very interesting Dank. Last Supperesque. Maybe the Real Locke will be risen from the dead ala the story of Jesus.
  2. Dubai is a disaster in the making. Just a gut feeling...
  3. Hogan, Bischoff, the outsiders and Xpac beat up Foley ala NWO style circa 1996. As long as Vince Russo doesn't come around and f!@# everything up, it might be fun again.
  4. I look forward to your space posts dev. That is all.
  5. So is the "NWO" going to steal the belt during the title match ala 1996?
  6. I'll comment; Jay Cutler was a QB playing in a new system with horrible WR's I mean Hester lead the team in rec. Anyone that wants to rag on Cutler has no clue...
  7. I agree with 1 and 3 but I can't see a majority of fans being happy about Billick.
  8. I'll coach LB's. I like watching people get smashed, I smashed some people myself when I played OLB.
  9. Didn't he take the Chargers there too? Or am I mistaken?
  10. I've wanted Marty here for years, this is the closest we've been to achieving that. I hope that THESE rumors are true.
  11. No one is beibg mean, just be an adult(if you are one) and deal with it or stop posting nonsense.
  12. I think we may have found our answer.... BTW the question was WTF is up with John.
  13. I'm with you on this, not that I'm not religious myself but how can that be a downfall of a player? I just had a friend on FaceBook join the club "No praying at football games" and I laughed. Like I said, I'm not a religious person but I could never see myself getting upset about seeing a player pray or point to God when they score. Could you imagine knowing someone that's like "I love that guy Tebow but HOW DARE HE PRAY BEFORE A GAME!!!!!" Said person would sound like a moron. I think if anything it helps him be more of a leader.
  14. I was just looking up Tebow's stats, not his on the field stats but his physical stats and I must say that I'm quite impressed. Tebow is listed at 6'3 245 and reportedly benches over 400lbs and can squat over 600lbs while running a 4.68. Now this is going to sound racist even though it is not my intention but do think if Tebow was anything other then white with those numbers and the same hardware sitting on the shelf(Heisman, Nat Champs etc) that he would be under the same scrutiny? Again Im not trying to sound racist but it seems to me that one of the reasons that people don't like him is that he's a religious, crying whiteboy. IMO if you take a guy who has those same numbers and hardware and give him the backstory of rising up out of an unfortunate situation he goes top 5 no questions. I know I'm going out on a limb here and putting myself up for flaming for even bringing this up but I'm curious as to peoples thoughts.
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