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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. Pete Carroll is a moron if he takes that job over the one he has.
  2. I think ESPN tries to create it's own news. Now they'll be able to speculate Cowher in Seattle all over their stupid shows and create a buzz.
  3. So Seattle reached out to Fraizer the same day as they fire Mora and he gives them about an hour of consideration? Doesn't seem right. I mean I guess that could signal that the Bills are hiring Fraizer but it's still weird. Esp w/ no GM yet.
  4. Have you been paying attention? AT ALL? We've gone after THE BIGGEST NAMES OUT THERE and only a couple will even entertain our offers. I've been very critical of the Bills FO but they are doing the exact opposite of what they've done in the past. Some people just can't be happy or even at the very least excited about what may happen. If the Bills let us down again then B word but until then GET A GRIP.
  5. Really? I can't believe people's impatience. Nix was only hired about a week ago and the season hasn't even been over for a week yet... Geez people.
  6. Here check this out; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2pXfAK8r1k Talk about using the same formula, maybe they're just lazy.
  7. Does anyone know what they call Stella over in Ireland? They have a nickname for it...
  8. He's with Cyclops and Collossus. They're helping Professor X with his new wheelchair.
  9. We'll just have to agree to disagree, I think we didn't see nearly enough of Fewell to make that distinction.
  10. Wow that's one of the worst mocks I've seen in a while. Stl, Det, KC and Oakland are all going to pass up Okung? lol I'd like to see that and if it DOES happen then that's the pick but UNLESS that happens I say you gotta go McClain.
  11. Really? He coached what 6 games? How can you make that statement, I mean Mularkey as much as I hate to say it had us on the verge of a playoff birth and I would but him ahead of Fewell.
  12. Me and my 9 year old boy bought an iguana last year. My boy named him Dr. Nub's AND I live in SoFla. Needless to say the good Doc has been spending the last couple of days inside.
  13. I'm with you John, after Nimrod they have been atrocious.
  14. Too bad Gangsta Kitty can't talk like these cats can http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhgVIbO83o4...player_embedded I like the drunk mexican one at the end.
  15. I used to believe that we were due, that stopped around 2006.
  16. I like you're thinking however Pennington may not come back and even if he does, I don't see him being successful in RWS after Nov.
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