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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. I agree, I forgot about that one too. It's not only one of the funniest but it might be one of the best done comedies I've ever seen.
  2. Depends on what kind of funny. Fletch, Groundhogs day and Tommy Boy if we're talking SNL alum movies. If you like a cheap laugh then Airplane and Naked Gun are great Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein and Holy Grail are the top of the list when it comes to satire. Windy City Heat is a hysterical unknown film. Kevin Smith pre Dogma also gets my vote.
  3. Really Steely? YOu can do better then that, Gangsta kitty is embarrassed right now...
  4. Soda. That's boring. Can't you guys come up with something better?
  5. Root Beer and Doc Pepper tie for my Favs although I drink more Pepsi then either. Big Red is atrocious.
  6. I don't think 8 %points is all that close out of 38 votes. That's just me though...
  7. Did this really deserve it's own thread? Mods please review this thread.
  8. That's how I knew that name. I watched a doc. about him called Gumby Dharma a while back, seems like a dude that will be missed...
  9. Joe the 6 pack just made a great point about Larry Johnson. The Chiefs couldn't get ANYTHING for him and he's a better RB then Lynch. They ended up having to release him. Explain that one folks. Or don't...
  10. Everyone seems to be Anquans cousin out here lol.
  11. It's not the accomplishment it used to be he's right. It was something special when teams played 14 regular games a season but not so much anymore. This article explains more. http://www.sportingnews.com/archives/sport...ers/138454.html
  12. LISTEN you're not freaking getting it. I WANT LYNCH HERE REGARDLESS OF HIS HISTORY WITH THE LAW. did you read that okay? The point I'm making is that NO ONE IS GOING TO GIVE UP MORE THEN A 5TH or 6TH FOR SOMEONE THAT HAS 2 STRIKES. Can you comprehend all of that? I have no issue that he's been in trouble, whatever but a team that is looking for a RB via trade isn't going to give up such a high pick. GET IT?
  13. So if you were say the Browns you would trade a 2nd or 3rd for a RB who is in constant trouble with the law and lost his job to a UFA? I'm glad you're not the GM.
  14. You're not serious right? RB's are a dime a dozen in the NFL and ones that have 2 strikes with the commish aren't in high demand.
  15. At most we'd get a 6th for Lynch. Everyone talks about him not being as good as advertised yet they expect to get a good price on him. Do you people use your brains? This isn't Madden...
  16. Mort just said that Fraizer turned down the job because he knew it was just a courtesy to fill the Rooney rule. Makes sense to me.
  17. No I don't because you're basing your arguments on whether he takes the job where I am just simply bringing up the arguments. If he takes the job I'll agree but until then I think it's a dumb move ESPECIALLY since he failed at it once already.
  18. So what if they do? This place is full of lunatics...
  19. So you would leave Southern California where it's warm and beautiful for Seattle where it rains 50% or is at the very least outcast most of the time? Would you leave a profession where you were at the top amongst your colleges for one where you were bottom? How about trading being the big man on campus for be heavily scrutinized every week? I doubt money is really an issue for Carroll though I may be wrong, so what reason would YOU make the switch? Would it be for for the challenge? I love a good challenge especially professionally but the negatives far outweigh the positives from where I sit. If Carroll sees it differently then yes, to me he is a moron.
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