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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. Tebow isn't my hero there Sparkles, I just don't understand why all the hate. And yes I guess I'm too blind/slow to understand how it matters that Tebow played against week opponents when EVERYONE plays against weak opponents. So please enlighten us.
  2. Logic? Why don't you reiterate that logic for me... Please I'll be waiting. logic...
  3. This is such an ignorant stance. Every team plays weaker schools, Alabama played North Texas, FIU and Chattanooga. Everyones sweetheart Boise played-Fresno state, Bowling Green, Cal Davis, La Tech, NMSU and Tulsa. I actually think it's funny when people say the should have been Nat Champs. Really? They beat Oregon and then a bunch of average teams, big whoop. Texas played Utep, Wyoming and Baylor. There's no reason to hate, everyone plays cupcakes.
  4. So what your saying is not only is Florida a powerhouse program with nat championships in football and basketball in the last 5 years but there are at the top of the SEC and up until the last couple of years in the upper echelon of schools when it comes to graduation rates? Cool.
  5. I don't know why it has become the new trend to chant "SEC" "SEC" however I do know that there's a certain pride that comes with playing or rooting for south-eastern team. There is NO conference like it.
  6. I agree on the Conan thing, he's at his best before the guests come on and Kimmel is pretty good but it's hard to compare any of them to Letterman in his prime, hell even Letterman now. To me Dave has always been the king of latenight, sorry Carson fans. As far as Ferguson goes, well I think he is cut from the same cloth as Letterman when it comes to "doing his thing". Craig Ferguson is still coming into his own and no one, I mean NO ONE makes love to the camera like him, he makes you believe that your in the same room with him and that will continue to take him a long way in this business.
  7. I found this video on Youtube, maybe it'll expose him a bit to the board. I like the video, it's definitely original.
  8. I would rather ANYONE. Edwards is a horrible coach.
  9. I'm not a christian, in fact I'm borderline Atheist, however there is only one thing worse then someone pushing religion in your face and that's someone who pushes that there is no God in your face. Those people need the most help.
  10. The issue is that he's a hardcore christian, and while I could care less about that a lot of people see THAT as a character flaw. IMO that only shows how ignorant and closed minded some are.
  11. So we're believing this one? It doesn't matter that Grimm and Cowher were said to initially turn us down and they were WRONG. Or does it matter that Lesile Fraizer was said to have turned down Seattle and once again they were WRONG. This one though we'll believe? Okay.
  12. I am. People are too impatient now a days. There was no Twitter 4 years ago and 15 years ago there was no internet. I couldn't imagine how impatient people were 20 years ago.
  13. Because he works cheap. ESPN has agreed to pay him in babies blood and skittles. The guy who shakes the can of pennies at him when he gets "out of line" just makes things up to keep both he and ESPN at bay while they try and deliver the ring back to Mordor.
  14. I like this one, and OchoCinco's response. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZNZORYylNo&NR=1
  15. Where they're from is important too ie If they happen to be from Southern Cali. it's a no-go. Then look at what type of car they drive and after that we need to check hair length. If all of that is a go then sign/draft them. It's a pretty efficient system, Bill Walsh used it for years.
  16. I was thinking the same thing, this has Mike Williams written all over it. If we can't get Okung then McClain needs to be the pick. More so then needing a LT we need someone who is can't miss. I don't understand the mentality that says it's okay to get the 3rd or 4th best guy on the board when you still have players who are the best at positions of need as well available.
  17. I wasn't trying to imply that ESPN broke the story, just where I got the story from.
  18. Great choice, I don't know if you know this or not but there's a Pee-Wee's playhouse the movie in the works. I heard Rubeans is going to try and get Burton on this one as well. Unfortunately Phil Hartman isn't around anymore to lend his hand.
  19. See Brown, Ruben. I love Ruben Brown but he stunk it up his last couple of years and still made the probowl. Now I'd give anything to have him back! (Like Joni Mitchell says "you don't know what you got till it's gone") Funny how that works isn't it?
  20. I know a lot of people don't like Bledsoe but lets not forget that he had us the closest we've been to the playoffs in the last 10 years.
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