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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. Very good job bro, keep up the good work. That one may be my favorite, the mustache bit was great.
  2. You need a NT as opposed to DT's. He should have a stout build ideally, Sam Adams/Ted Washington are great examples. You're DE's should be prototypical Bruce Smith types if not larger. The Aaron Schobels/Aaron Maybins of the world were built for OLBs and not DE's in the 34 scheme. Your DE's in the 34 can't be light.
  3. I'm all for switching to the 43 but we are WAY too small with our current roster up front, we wold need an overhaul there. Spencer Johnson would be a good DT/DE hybrid but other then him no one else has the size IMO.
  4. "He said he wanted to throw money at a new coach, since we fired Dick Jauron. In November! We did that to get a head start, and instead we got Mike Shanahan leveraging us to get to the Redskins and Bill Cowher deciding he would rather push prop buttons firing up Dan Marino’s dildo and smile blankly while Shannon Sharpe speaks like a mute with marbles in his mouth." That is the best thing I have ever read.
  5. Yeah Bro but you had a letter written to him within 15 minutes, that's a little weird. JMO.
  6. I just wanted to say thanks Nevergiveup, it's nice to have some clarity when it comes to this franchise. I feel like as a fanbase we're treated as more of an annoyance then as the loyal fans we are. Your insight is appreciated and respected.
  7. That's very understandable actually since half of the northerners I've met talk like they're deaf in one ear. "I'm goin' ta go paak tha Kaw" or "Walk tha dawg".
  8. I think it's funny that north easterners are making fun of accents, 75% of the northeast sounds like they're mentally handicapped when they talk.
  9. Riiiiight because the south is known for bad football? lol What a joke.
  10. Edwards is actually considered a pretty good defensive mind, he's just a moron when it comes to game management. He also runs the Tampa2 I believe but a more blitzing bigger version of it.
  11. So what? I have it on good authority(TSW) that if a coach wins a superbowl with one team then he is immediately disqualified from winning another with another team. You see it's because no coach has ever done it before. So he is the perfect TSW candidate, he meets all requirements.
  12. Exactly. If someone would have said to me that we were going to hire a HC that has been to the playoffs 11 times, the SB 4 times, has an offensive mind, is a creative play-caller and is known for having one of the best running games in the league I'd ask where to sign up. People don't like that he's not a big name and on top of that people don't like the name Chan Gailey because for some reason they associate it with failing in Dallas. I think people don't know nearly as much about football as they like to pretend they do.
  13. It is from the Frisky Dingo people! I thought so.
  14. Great post Kzoo, I have to agree with you that the idea of the Chan over the Chin is growing on me. He is exactly what we were looking for sans the big name. One thing you didn't mention that also plays into our favor according to TSW's "Braintrust" is that while Chan has taken teams to the playoffs, he has not won the Super Bowl, which we all know would disqualify him due to no coach ever being able to do that with two different teams. He's a perfect fit IMO and I'm pretty far from being a homer. I'm still going to reserve all judgement until Gailey makes his staff hirings however.
  15. It's like a freeeee ride when you've already paid, It's the goooood advice that you just didn't take
  16. Leslie Frazier will be the next head coach of the Dallas Cowboys if the Bills don't make a quick decision. That's my prediction.
  17. He's the head coach for the Bills in my Madden10 franchise. We went 14-2 this past season and Freddy Jackson had 2800 all purpose yards SO THERE!
  18. Riiiiiiight, it's the SEC fans that have the chip. You've been a member for 3 1/2 years, have 17 posts and 3 in a row are in this thread to defend the Big 10. Seems as though you may have the chip or at least are overly defensive.
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