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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. Josh Reed, Aaron Schobel, Terrence McGee and Lee Evans. Nowadays there is very little loyalty running through the veins of the NFL and the lack thereof runs deep on both sides, players and organizational. Teams toss away players like yesterdays trash, there are exceptions however(Sean Peyton) and players care a lot less about the fans and the teams that groom them then they do about the greenbacks and finger blingers(Willis). Personally I don't blame either side, a business is a business and we all have to look out for our own. That brings me back to the 4 names I started with, Reed, Schobel, McGee and Evans are all Buffalo Bills, they've all shown that they want to be here, something that we as fans are so not used to. I hope that these 4 guys stay on here with the new regime and I hope that they all have the opportunity to make the playoffs with the Buffalo Bills in the near future. Of all the fans in the league, we as Buffalo Bills fans should be able to relate to the old adage that "You don't know what you got til it's gone". We as fans don't appreciate these guys enough and we've called for each one of their heads at some point. I'm just as guilty as anyone. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that a real Buffalo Bills fan roots for guys like these not attack them. I know that from now these are the players I will be rooting for the most because they deserve it the most.
  2. I'm going to go on record as someone that would be fine with us drafting Tim Tebow although, especially if we can get him in the 2nd or 3rd. He's not my first choice but if Nix, Modrak and Gailey think he's the real deal then I'll trust them. Nix and Modrak have a proven track record in drafting and their okay is okay with me. All that being said if Tebow is in our plans, whether it be in the early or mid rounds does that change our draft strategy as far as drafting a tackle? Tebow is left handed and his blindside comes from the right side of the line. We may be able to get a right tackle in FA considerably cheaper then a LT or maybe even Butler/Levitre could be the option there. Just a thought
  3. Tebow's looking pretty impressive during the 2 minute drill.
  4. I'm going to go on record as someone that would be fine with us drafting Tim Tebow although, especially if we can get him in the 2nd or 3rd. He's not my first choice but if Nix, Modrak and Gailey think he's the real deal then I'll trust them. Nix and Modrak have a proven track record in drafting and their okay is okay with me. All that being said if Tebow is in our plans, whether it be in the early or mid rounds does that change our draft strategy as far as drafting a tackle? Tebow is left handed and his blindside comes from the right side of the line. We may be able to get a right tackle in FA considerably cheaper then a LT or maybe even Butler/Levitre could be the option there. Just a thought
  5. Really? Bradford is comparable to Aikman? I don't think so, Sam Bradford is Eli Manning without the Durability.
  6. I'm a fan of Tebow and his college career however I never thought much of him on the NFL level. That being said I've started to warm up to the idea of the Bills drafting him and this post is precisely why. The kid knows how to win, most Bills fans forget what that looks like on a player. He reminds me of Doug Flutie in Donovan McNabbs body and who wouldn't want that monster starting for their team?
  7. For a second I thought you were being serious... for a second.
  8. This. Of all the highlights this kid has, why isn't there any highlights of him throwing the deep ball? I say pass.
  9. I wouldn't be all that shocked to see Clausen go to the Chiefs. Cassel is a backup and I think Weiss knows it. Which may be a really good thing for those that want an OT in the first. IMO KC and Oak are the most likely to have OT at the top of their list, if KC goes Clausen then only OAK will be in our way so it's a good thing that Al Davis still runs their drafts-we just may see Davis select the fastest OT on the board
  10. meh I'm not sold, what is he running there the spread? That's what it looks like. I find it a bit odd that he runs the spread yet his highlight video didn't show but maybe one deep ball. I'm willing to bet that his knock is just that-his deep ball. On a side note it looks like maybe he can be converted to a WR if the QB thing doesn't work out.
  11. You're just being stupid and antagonistic now.
  12. I really like your scenario, however I'd like to grab Spikes with one of our 2nds.
  13. I love the album "Franchise Quarterbacks" with Brohms face on it. Great stuff.
  14. +1(not that I'm an atheist) That's because you don't have anything to prove. An Atheist with a point to prove = a "Religious" person with a point to prove, they're both annoying.
  15. Bruce was a freak of nature and leaned down to 275 from 310. I've never seen him listed less then 275. I found this article because I know the next post will be "Link?". http://www.sportingnews.com/nfl/article/20...ls-sacks-leader
  16. The question was raised Which Team would you rather coach? Skip-Raiders because the fans are better. Al Davis football knowledge>Ralph Wilsons TJ-Raiders, because players don't want to go to Buffalo. Other guy- He'd rather coach the Bills.
  17. Buddy just called me and he wanted me to tell you guys that we're sticking with Checkwards.
  18. They'll all bash the Bills. I am curious however to see what Houshmanzadah says. He's co-hosting it with him, they're going to talk about TO before that.
  19. I was just using familiar faces to help illustrate the point, I know none of my examples are perfect.
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