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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. My thoughts exactly. That plus our secondary looks good, we may have a monster defense...
  2. Hey Brian! Where ya been buddy? Speaking of "Pass!", I'm going to toke one for you tonight! (considering the thread title you all are free to take that however the hell you want!)
  3. Seriously bro I had no idea you've had any past problems, I was just keeping myself "Amuzed". I'll delete it if that's what you want.
  4. They sent him to a hime for people named "Brodie"
  5. Remember that right before Juliet told Sawyer that she had something important to say she said that they should "go get coffee" and that they should "go dutch" if you add that with how strange Miles acts after channelling her and his vague response "It worked" I want to believe that Juliet becomes stuck in between universes like Desmond became stuck through time. Geez that was a long sentence.
  6. I've watched Zeitgeist, interesting stuff. Another thing that bothers me if it's true is what Norad was up too that morning. Did Cheney really call off normal procedure hours before the crashes? That's a little weird.
  7. Well if it wasn't a conspiracy(I don't pretend to know one way or the other) then we should all be terrified of our governments ineptness...
  8. I agree. This has been a sticking point for me too, why is bldg.7 such a secret?
  9. http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/epis...y-4067/Overview I'm watching it now, pretty interesting stuff. I've had questions about a lot of this for awhile now and have watched some of the propaganda from both sides. If you can honestly look at all of the evidence and still believe that what we are being told is completely true then I think you just don't want to know... On a side note: When I was in the Army, my MOS was intel involved, 98C to be specific. I had top secret clearance while I was in and when the war started I was in a SCIF watching in the desert in the middle of Texas. I can tell you right now that there are plenty of things that we don't know the truth about for our own good and this, IMO is one of them.
  10. Okay, so I'm guessing that the Airplane/Airport "Flash" is a flash-forward to how the show ends. Has FuManChu been there the whole time? Where is "Home" to Smokie and why is he disappointed in everyone?
  11. Jim Kelly or Bruuuuuuuuce. Those were the 2 biggest game changers we ever had(OJ omitted).
  12. To me he was definitely the most impressive during the senior bowl. He looked like he had chroise.(Geez, I never wanted to have to use that word )
  13. Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner. Evans will be a #2 until he can show that he can consistently make plays in traffic. Evens as a #3 or #4 WR is a stoopid thing to say though...
  14. I'm with you on this one, I even took the night off(something I used to do when the Bills were good and would have a playoff game). This is the closest I've had to that feeling since.
  15. It's prolly been posted before but just incase it hasn't... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6kU550Sp7Y
  16. I don't see why not, I mean the Bills had no control on the Cowher thing but if we let them know that these uni's suck well then maybe they'll do something about it.
  17. This is what we should have spent the billboard money on. It seems as though enough of us want it...
  18. I disagree Ice, I think on a good offense Josh Reed is Hines Ward light. Yeah he has the dropsies from time to time but he does all of the important things right, like find the first down marker, run block well, reads zone as well as anyone on this team even better then Evans. Schobel is the best player this Bills defense has seen since Bruce Smith, Terrence was a probowler and when he gave up special teams he became a very complete corner. Evans is the only one on this list that still has to prove something to me, I think he's a very good WR but take away the deep threat and he becomes an average player who makes a good play from time to time, either way he seems to want to be here.
  19. Bruce Smith, there's no doubt. What he accomplished in the 34 defense is astonishing. OJ was also amazing. 2000 yards in a 14 game season? Thats just sick.
  20. Josh Reed, Aaron Schobel, Terrence McGee and Lee Evans. Nowadays there is very little loyalty running through the veins of the NFL and the lack thereof runs deep on both sides, players and organizational. Teams toss away players like yesterdays trash, there are exceptions however(Sean Peyton) and players care a lot less about the fans and the teams that groom them then they do about the greenbacks and finger blingers(Willis). Personally I don't blame either side, a business is a business and we all have to look out for our own. That brings me back to the 4 names I started with, Reed, Schobel, McGee and Evans are all Buffalo Bills, they've all shown that they want to be here, something that we as fans are so not used to. I hope that these 4 guys stay on here with the new regime and I hope that they all have the opportunity to make the playoffs with the Buffalo Bills in the near future. Of all the fans in the league, we as Buffalo Bills fans should be able to relate to the old adage that "You don't know what you got til it's gone". We as fans don't appreciate these guys enough and we've called for each one of their heads at some point. I'm just as guilty as anyone. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that a real Buffalo Bills fan roots for guys like these not attack them. I know that from now these are the players I will be rooting for the most because they deserve it the most.
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