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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. You haven't heard of Maurice Clarett? You must be a youngin'
  2. Huge red flag IMO, either he's hiding something or he's an idiot. Either way I don't want him...
  3. This board is full of just as many movie buffs as Bills fans or at least so it seems. Here's the spin on this thread... What actors that don't receive top billing intrigue you enough to make you watch a movie? For instance you go to buy a DVD and it looks interesting so you turn it over and notice Christopher Walken has a part in it, so you give it a shot. My initial draft(more will follow) Christopher Walken Jeff Goldblum Harold Ramis Tilda Swinton George Carlin Jenna Fischer John C. Reilly Tim Roth Milla Jovovich Jeremy Davies Donal Louge Michael Madson I know I have more but I'll wait a bit and stew on it.
  4. I hate to bold my own replies but did anyone else notice the burning cross during that scene?
  5. This may have been one of the most revealing episodes in Lost history. A few notes... FLocke is the prince of lies apparently, and a very good one at that. Claire is nuts but you would be too if the only person you've really been in contact with over 3 years was the MIB. Sayid looks very at home as well as at ease now that he has come to terms with his evil. How cool was the scene with him, Claire and Kate walking through the destroyed temple? I think it was one of the coolest sequences Lost has ever seen. Flocke is not too happy about Kate joining the posse. Now that Dogen is dead Illana will be the new story telling device to clue us all in. What if the world where Flocke and Jacob are making these deals are the sideverse? Keamy makes good eggs.
  6. A trade down would be ideal with a draft this deep but if that doesn't happen I would be ecstatic over McClain and happy with Williams.
  7. This thread is dumb because we're not taking Bryant. Nix seems to be a pretty sharp guy so an argument is moot for either case. Sorry but it's not happening and yes I'll wager on it.
  8. Whole whats? That's 5 LB's I Keed! I keed!
  9. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?showtopic=108795 Bamsey Mcgee.
  10. I tend to agree about trading down but I'd do it for the reason of getting more draft picks. This draft is pretty damn deep and I'm thinking that drafting is going to be a strong point with having a guy like Nix at the helm. With last years draft looking strong for the most part we may be able to have 2 straight good drafts. That is what this team needs more then anything. Sprinkle in a couple of good FA's to start and a couple of more for depth and repeat. If this can be accomplished this year and next then we will have a competitive team by 2012 which is when the world ends, so it looks like everything is lining up as planned-When the Bills finally win the Super Bowl the world will end.
  11. Some of you know that I was once a military man and while I was in I had a pretty stressful job, when I got out about 5 years ago I wanted to get into something that was a lot more easy going so I started bartending. I really found a niche doing it and have since become a professional Bartender. Well I have worked at a couple of the trendy places in Palm Beach and currently work at the International Polo Club so I tend to run into celebs from time to time. The other night I had a nice conversation with John Walsh(who I think has taken tragedy and made something great out of it) just minutes before watching him belly dance with a professional dancer in front of a room full of Palm Beaches richest(including my boss the murderer http://www.palmbeachpost.com/news/court-fi...e_comments=true ). But before jumping out on the dance floor he asked me who I've met doing my job and it got me thinking. So here's a little list: Rob Van Winkle(Vanilla Ice)- Good dude, I know a lot of people don't like him but he's a good guy. Jim Palmer- He has his wife carry around baseball cards to autograph for people, nice guy. Jennifer Capriati- She was stoned out of her head Rick Flair- Nice guy didn't say much Gary Carter- I think I scared him because I was in shock when he sat, needless to say I'm a huge Met fan. Steve Blackman- WWE guy. He's a badass, shakes hands like a girl though. I think it's because he's scared to crush people. It was right before the Benoit thing and in fact he was talking to Chris that night on his cell. Cheech!- Real quiet. He was with some guy who wouldn't shut up so maybe thats why. Brent Musberger- Real cool dude Mark McGwire- I didn't talk to him I was too busy at the time to have a convo(that was 2001) That's all I can think of at the moment, Ralph Wilson has come into the same restaurant and sat at a table, I didn't find out he was there until he had already left though.
  12. Jack Shephard has overactive tear ducts.
  13. Did you watch the DL video? Because Mayock said that all of the scouts are looking for guys who have very quick first steps. In fact I would contend that Maybin's combine workout is what got him drafted as high as he did. I think if Maybin doesn't attend the combine he goes in the mid second to early third.
  14. I think taking a WR in the first round is a bad idea. WR is one of the least important positions on the field, because like someone said before me-If there are scrubs blocking and throwing then the only thing that will happen is he will find a new home in 3 or 4 years and will have wasted a pick. WR's like RB's are a dime a dozen, every once in awhile there is a special talent but I don't see anyone coming out this year that fits that profile in either position. Just ask yourself this;Did TO really do much better then Josh Reed as the #2? No he didn't and thats because we had the same crap QB and Oline talent level. BTW Reed had 56 rec. at 10.8 Avg. in 13 games and Terrell Owens had 55 rec at 15.1 Avg. in 16 games. I think we can all agree that Owens is a better WR then Reed so then I wonder why he barely out performed him on the field? Guess what else? We lost one more game this past season then we did the one before. Wait but we had 2 #1 receivers, how can that be? Weird I know. Do you REALLY think that Dez Bryant is the answer? I think he would be if we were lets say... The Ravens. We though, are not the Ravens, We have a lot more work to do then them.
  15. That being said; He's knocking this apology outta tha park.
  16. Tiger Woods is a p***y plain and simple. Man up Tiger and stop being a B word.
  17. And once again this thread gives me the opportunity to display one of the funniest things I've read on the internet.... Ethan Albrights letter to John Madden about being rated the worst player in Madden 07 http://www.thephatphree.com/features.asp?L...mp;StoryID=3159 To: John Madden CC: Electronic Arts Sports From: Ethan Albright Re: Being the worst rated player on Madden ‘07 Hi, John, my name is Ethan Albright. I play line for the Washington Redskins. You probably already knew that, so I’ll continue. I am writing in regards to the overall player rating of 53 that I have received in Madden NFL Football 2007. I feel that this is !@#$ing bull **** and you should kiss my mother-!@#$ing ass. Ahmed Carroll was rated a 78 and the Packers just cut his ass on a Tuesday morning after his performance in a Monday night game. That is pretty terrible. The worst part is that his overall rating was sniffing 80. You know what, John? Two can play this game. I rate you a !@#$ing 12. I rate you a !@#$ing 12 in Ethan Albright Football 2000-ever… except for in the category of ball-licking. That is where I will spot you a 98 rating. You will receive this score because I will never give your blubbery ass a 99 in any category. Take that, pencil-dick. Go do Al Micheals or something. Boom. Score one for Red Beard. It’s also pretty wonderful that my awareness rating was 59. You make it sound like I wake up in the morning, helplessly **** and piss myself, then lose three of my teeth before I discover that I am trying to eat a rock for breakfast. !@#$, John, I understand you saying that I am slow and lacking athleticism, but a rating like this pretty much labels me as retarded. Rod “He Hate Me” Smart has a 52 in this category. Electronic Arts is saying that seven rating points separate me and the breathing embodiment of the perfect oxymoron. Rod Smart struggled to arrange words in sentence form. Cave men had better hold of the English language. The only actions that separate point values of ignorance at this embarrassing level are things like using your own toothbrush to wipe your ass. I basically edged out Rod by my lack of **** teeth. If I take a night school class, could you bump me up to a 60? I guess I just can’t fathom the fact that I am the absolute worst player rated out of the entire NFL. !@#$, man, there are some ****ty guys out there. Amongst everyone, I was rated the absolute worst. I have received the impression that you feel that I am lacking in the agility category. I should consider a walk through my living room where I don’t crash through a wall or kick over furniture a resounding success. My agility rating on your game is 33. It makes it sound like I just topple over if I start walking too fast. Ted Washington is rated a 40 in agility. He is listed at 365 pounds. If Ted Washington tied a white lady up and made her wear a metal bikini, he’d look just like Jabba the Hut. Red Alert! John, you are such a !@#$ing dick. I also noticed that my kick return rating was a 0. I was rated a !@#$ing zero? So you feel that I shouldn’t even receive a 10, or even a 5? You are pretty much saying that I couldn’t even fall forward on a ball kicked in my direction. I would just stand there and let the ball bounce off of my !@#$ing face. !@#$ that, John, I returned an onside kick 6 yards in 2002. You should have just slapped a - 4 on me and had the EA staff ambush me with paintball guns. Finally, I would like to comment on an unlikely topic, my pass coverage ratings. I see that I am a better at man-to-man coverage (31) than zone (21). !@#$ me sideways with a lunchbox. Where did these scores even come from? How much time is spent coming up with the pass coverage ratings of offensive lineman? Can I have that job? Let’s see here, I think that Orlando Pace would be slightly better at jumping intermediate routes than Larry Allen. While I’m at it, I can assign the passing ratings for offensive lineman as well. I can use mine as a guide. I was rated with a throwing power of 17 and accuracy of 16. Orlando Pace has a 22 power and 17 accuracy rating. Did someone at EA really put time into figuring out that Orlando Pace edges out Ethan Albright in both throwing power and accuracy? I will challenge him any day. My horrible passer ratings are of greatest misfortune to my son, Red Beard Jr. The poor boy is not only hideously ugly and covered by freakishly large freckles. He also has to suffer through playing catch with me and my senile-elderly-woman-type passer ratings. A session of tossing the pigskin usually consists of me missing my son by thirty yards in sporadic directions. I led him in front of a fire truck once and my wife kicked my ass. This is because of my 76 toughness rating. Yes, a 76 is far better than the other ratings, but I’m a !@#$ing lineman, damn it. NFL Linemen are considered to be synonymous with toughness. According to your game, I am a retarded, uncoordinated, kitty-ass !@#$wad that can’t fall on a kickoff, throw, or spell. I am, however, slightly better at manning up on a receiver than dropping into zone coverage. You lose your mind more and more each year, old man.!@#$ you, John. Please expect to find red pubes in various meals you consume for the rest of your life. If you !@#$ with Ethan Albright, you call down the thunder. Rot in Hell, Ethan Albright
  18. Culpepper is a turnover machine, with fumbles being his specialty. Playing outdoors in Buffalo won't be easy for Culpepper who has unusually small hands for a QB, he also is a deer in headlights when it comes to a pass rush. No thank you to Culpepper. BTW has he ever done anything without Moss?
  19. Yes she did and it also seems as though Slocke and his father get along in the sideverse; that begs the question, how did Slocke get in the wheelchair if that's the case?
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