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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. I watched it last night as a matter of fact, good stuff. Very interesting to see the different ages up there performing. Some of those men looked to be in their 50's then again living in Afganastan can do that to the average 20year old.
  2. Hey UConn maybe you have some info on this; I started watching season 4 on Fri and put Hulu on Continuous play this morning I was going to start with the begining of season six put it seems that the first 3 epi's of season six can't be viewed anywhere. I can watch epi's 4-8 no prblem but all over the net 1-3 isn't viewable. Is there a reason for that?
  3. It's not so hard to complete passes between 3-5 yards.
  4. He's a fumble machine, his small childlike hands in Buffalo's winter months would be a problem.
  5. I saw that photo, is that Dogen's knife?
  6. Can anyone explain why Farady has no british accent? Or why he was crying when he saw the plane? Was he stuck in a loop? Is he really Eloise's? I don't think that it was him she was pregnant with in '77 in"The Variable" because if it was that would mean he was only 18 in 96 when Desmond found him as a professor at Oxford of all places... Just some Farady thoughts for today.
  7. I decided Fri afternoon to start with season 4 and watch everything again up til then. Needless to say I had nothing to do this weekend.... I'm on epi 6 of season 5 now. Geez thats 19 shows in 2 and a half days... Seaon 4:6-5:2 did kind of drag, now though I'm about to get to what I thought was the most boring part, Dharmaville.
  8. Anyone know what they're asking for? I would trade no more then a 5th.
  9. Why don't you make like a tree and get the !@#$ outta here!!!
  10. Desmond. Did you notice the mention of Kurt Vonnegut in Meet Kevin Johnson yet? I think that's the epi right after the Constant.
  11. I like where you're going with this rob but since we're switching to a 3-4 we have priorities on the other side of the ball as well. One can just as easily(and I like this idea better) say Draft a DT, OLB and a DE in the first 3 rounds and our defense would be solid for years to come.
  12. Yes I like Eastbound and Down, I've only seen half of the episodes though=3. Did you notice McBride's cameo in O&R? The soundtrack is pretty rad BTW
  13. I have my own reasons for wanting to grab'em Ford grew up a few houses down, I used to play ball with his older brother Davy who played for FSU but tore both knees out by his sophmore year. IMO Davey would have been a pro. He was good, Fred Taylor good he just couldn't stay healthy. Every Sat. we would meet up and play pickup games with a lot of the talent from the area. Guys like Anquan Boldin, Fred Taylor and Vinny Sutherland would show up from time to time. There were 2 instances where a guy brought his little brother and the kid amazed. The first one was Devin Hester and the second Jacoby Ford. The kid can fly. To be honest I stopped playing the pickup games a few years ago but I still try and make it every Sat to at least catch a beer afterwards. Guys like Taylor and Boldin didn't show up much, it wasn't like some all star game every Sat. but from time to time there was a surprise. One day I decided not to go and my buddy called and said Chad Johnson came out and played for a bit.
  14. Just a few thoughts but mostly questions. What happened when Desmond failed to enter the code? What happened when Dharma drilled too deep? What happened when Ben pushed the Donkey Wheel? Answer: Energy was released that caused bad things. The same numbers that Desmond had to plug in to stop the Island from leaking are the same numbers that Jacob has plugged in to stop Flocke from leaking. Weird. We also got the picture of a Champagne bottle popping before this season started. Is the Island just a cap? A cork maybe? Is Jacob just a cork keeping Flocke from discharging? What happens if Flocke gets off of the Island? We know that when the Energy gets out that it can make the Island skip in time and location(I think that the location is just a result of the Earths rotation). So if Flocke gets out would the same happen? Maybe instead of the Island skipping through time the Earth skips through space? Could that explain Sideverse if Flocke were to make it out? Could Flocke/Smokey be all of the souls that have died on the Island in a physical form? We all saw Michael Landon say that "when people die they're not really gone" the other night. Could the intense electromagnetic field on the Island cause this collection of "Angry Souls" that just want to go "home"? Is Jacob the Guardian of our Reality in a Godlike infused game of Cosmic Monopoly?
  15. Agreed. I don't see either as being good nor bad just two players/souls in a game of manipulation, Jacob just happens to be good at coming across as "The Good Guy".
  16. I think we should trade Whitner, Stroud, Poz, McKelvin and Maybin with our #9 for the 1st 3 picks in the draft and then we draft Tebow, Clausen and Bradford in that order because I believe it would be cheaper to draft them in that order and cheap is good
  17. Funny as all hell. It's also one of the most !@#$ed up movies I've ever seen, which to me at least, makes it even funnier. It's like Napoleon Dynamyte and Travis Bickle had a kid and he became a security guard.
  18. Flocke says "Pimpin' ain't easy and I got lots of Bitches to worry about". Flocke = The Ultimate Hustla; A true pimp.
  19. Good for him, he found some happiness. I just worry for their children, I doubt they'll be having their friends over very much.
  20. Either you're joking or just being a jerk. Like many I wouldn't mind Tebow as long as he's not one of our first 2 picks. Haden will be a beast he reminds me of Aeneas Williams for some reason and I've wanted Spikes here for a couple of years now. Dunlap I think is Derrick Harvey 2.0 JMO though. As far as Cooper and Nelson ehh. Hernandez is an interesting prospect at TE but I'm okay with Nelson.
  21. I would like to see us try and grab Spikes in the second still. Davis and Spikes on the inside with Poz and Scobel/Maybin on the outside sounds good to me! Pipe dream probably but we'd have pretty good depth too. Like I said it's a pipe dream but it would be fun to watch that tandem I think.
  22. I thought that tonight's episode was really fun actually. I'll tell you this much- Bad or Good, I don't care, I love Flocke and O'quinn's portrayal is spot on. BTW I really got a kick out of how he dealt with the Kate/Claire scrap! Pimpin' ain't easy Flocke but you are the master...
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