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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. Nope this is Doc Shephard, I finally got off of that godforsaken island.
  2. Never been much of a drinker, in fact I think the last time I was drunk was 2-3 years ago. Considering I'm a bartender and am around the stuff all day I'd say that's not too bad. But I do get your point, it's easy to replace one for the other, last night however the 2 beers I had took the edge off considerably and made the anxiety disappear for a while. IMO it's the anxiety that makes me want to relapse the most so getting that in check is at the top of my priorities...
  3. Last night was starting to get pretty rough and I wanted to hop in my car and give in but just as I was ready to claw my eyes out, my older brother who I haven't seen or heard from in 6 years found me on Facebook out of nowhere, it kind of blew my mind. I mean why last night out of all times? I didn't tell him what was going on yet he hopped in his truck drove 2 hours and picked me up to take me out for a beer, it made me feel 100x's better and this morning I feel like a new person. Weird how things like that work, I must have an angel on my shoulder and his name was Andrew Thanks Andrew.
  4. WEO, I find myself agreeing with you the more and more that I read you're posts.
  5. Yeah this last hour has been really rough actually but I'm not budging, in fact my device is posting on here of Facebook every time I have the urge... Restless leg syndrome 24/7 really sucks.
  6. Thank you everyone for your support, it really does help. I just slept a little, I'll take sleep wherever I can get it at this point, the insomnia part of the WD may be the worst part since you become somewhat(more) demented and there are more hours to count... I am sticking to the plan, I fell like garbage and still have half of a pill that I refuse to touch until bedtime. That and I've always been very good about being physically fit so I've got supplements up the yingyang that are helping me out. You ain't lyin' Giving that up too. The thought of you, Fancy Pants on fire in a rayon shirt may be worth the price of this thread, I seriosly lol'd when I read that...
  7. New song for download http://gogolbordello.com/freesongmp3/
  8. Yeah well maybe if he had his prayer his score would have been different...
  9. When I was in the Army a few years ago I hurt my lower back pretty bad, but hey that's what you get when you run 9 miles with a torn tendon in your right ankle and a sprained left ankle. Something eventually gives. After I got out of the military I went to see a doc to see what he could do for me so I wasn't walking around in such agony all day. His solution was Roxicet, at the time I hadn't heard much about these tiny blue pills but they sure did the trick. Problem with that though is I became both physically and mentally addicted without even knowing it. Once my scripts ran out I would be in agony until I got more opiates in me, it's been a never ending cycle for a couple of years. This week(Sat) I decided to just give it up because it's totally changed the way I live my life... and I'm tired of this change. I've weened my self down to 1 pill a day(from 8) and in fact this evening I will be taking the last half of my last pill. I've already started going through WD(it started Sun night) and it really sucks(the chills really suck as does the hot and cold flashes) but I know that I'll get through this and come tomorrow maybe I can start getting sleep again. I just wanted to share my experience with this evil little blue devil. If anyone has ever had any experience with it feel free to share here and on the flip side if anyone has any question feel free to post them as well. Opiate WD is The SUCK!
  10. They're pretty awesome IMO. Here they are on Letterman
  11. IDK how many here like Punk+Klezmir+Polka+Gypsies but for me it ='s awesome and what's even more awesome is that they're teaming up with Rick Rubin for their next album. http://www.billboard.com/news/gogol-bordel...39.story?page=1
  12. Yeah there were a few errors in my post, then again I'm a sinner and typed that while a bit wasted.
  13. Did we already know that Hanso owned the Blackrock? I don't remember hearing that before tonight...
  14. Even though I wasn't too far off I'm still not buying it. I just can't see Hurley going to hell, well at least not in the same sense of hell we've all come to know. I think We've all been twisted and turned so much that we want this to be the answer but I believe there is A LOT more to the story still. Also I don't think the Dharma thing was just filler as SDS said, we still have a lot to go, in fact Widmore is still a mystery. I'm thinking maybe he has some sort of divine bloodline running through him that makes him the true guardian of the island, I'm think BOTH Jacob AND MiB are running game on the losties/Alpert just as Lindelof and Cuse are running game on us. BTW I just wanted a reason to toot my own horn about the cork thing <--- Smokey?
  15. IDK if you've noticed yet but season 6:1-6:3 are not viewable online anywhere for some reason.
  16. You know what bro? I'm not a religious guy but you're anti-Jesus banter is just as if not MORE annoying then that of the most ridged of Jehovah's witness'. It's pretty ridiculous this crusade you're on.... Get over it, be a man and grow up, stop acting like a 16 yearold idiot.
  17. I really could care less if he still had it or not, the guy has hands that are freakishly small and that does not bode well for Buffalo Decembers. He had a hard time holding on to the ball in Humid Miami of all places does anyone seriously think thats going to improve in temps below 40 degrees?
  18. Yeah I checked the ABC site as well, it's really weird that you can watch any epi's online OTHER then 1-3 season 6. Is it some sort of conspiracy? Hmmm we may never know....
  19. I hear this guy is available in the later rounds http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--I1v8K9zxw Him + Culpepper = Super Bowl. Mark my words. Mark'em damnit.
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