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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. I say get him, release Trent and Ryan and go in the season with Campbell, Brohm and a 1st or 2nd round rookie. You then let the 3 youngsters go at it. All three should take the competition seriously because all 3 have something to prove as well as all 3 should have a chip on their shoulder. I think it would push one of them to reach their supposed potential. All 3 are still coachable. We already know what we have with TE and RF.
  2. Ballsy move I say, but only for the fact that there are rumblings of Bradford pulling an Eli. They might have dumped him anyway considering his salary.
  3. I get what you're saying but there is still the line of a coach/player. When a QB is mentoring another QB in most* occasions it is more of a commradre(sp) type approach, and while it may work in some instances, I don't think it's all that important. *Bledsoe came to mind for the argument against.
  4. Yeah I agree. It would make sense since it's a Desmond epidode. I think he is what links them being what his powers are.
  5. A little more fuel for the fire... http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/blog/shutdown_...?urn=nfl,232069 Notice we're the first team listed.
  6. The line is the most important thing on either side of the ball. No one can do their job on either side of the ball without the Line. A team can still win with an avg. QB(see Dilfer), they can also win with an Avg. RB(see Patriots). As far as WR goes, I'm with Parcelles as far as their importance is- maybe one of the least important positions on the field.
  7. In my best AOL voice *GOODBYE. Seriously though this article states what a lot have been saying on this board for quite a while- Lynch isn't going to garner a pick high enough to justify the trade. The Bills would be very lucky to get even that 4th simply because there has to be more then one team that would be interested. I say that if the Bills do find a dancing partner it'll be for a 5th and a conditional next year. One thing I do think is that given Lynch's history and current issue(s) that a conditional pick may be the best we can do. I like Lynch and I want him here but each time something happens-no matter how small it may be- he shows that he may not be the guy for us. Send him to Oakland he'll be happier out there(maybe we could just swap him for Bush-I like that idea, then we could have Brohm, Bush and Wood)<-----There's a joke there somewhere.
  8. I was thinking that we should trade Lynch, Evans and our 1st & 2nd round picks to move up and grab Tebow.
  9. Oh you're Canadian, that explains it. Nothing to see here folks he's just a Canuck, move along.
  10. Well it's HIS team so I'm guessing as much as he wants. I know the answer stings but it's true.
  11. Sounds strikingly similar to what one might have said about Randy Moss 4 years ago.
  12. Jauron cried once...ONCE! Of coarse that was before he ate his own tear ducts while trying to find his soul.
  13. Anyone who's getting on Gailey at this early of a juncture must be a B word to know... or maybe just a B word, IDK but to seriously have patients this limited must suck.
  14. Yeah along those lines... I wonder what we could call it?
  15. You know this thread brings up a good point, and one I'm sure hasn't been missed within itself, that point being-If only there where a place on this board for off topic threads?
  16. I say we draft a QB in the 5th, since that's the round that seems to be due...
  17. I was watching the Enhanced version of "Recon" last week and noticed that when the enhanced subtitles at the bottom mentioned the sideverse it referred to it as "The World" but when it referred to the island goings on it called it "The Island story" You also are saying that the last episode is titled "The End". On top of that there are tons of storybook references. If the end of this turns out to be Christian Shephard telling a fairy tale to young David, I'll find both Lindelof and Cuse and cut their pinkies off. Joking aside, it would be worse then when Dallas used a dream to explain who shot JR. I know this is probably not the case but once again I'm just throwing a thought out there. Anyone ever notice that the guy who says "Previously on Lost" sounds just like Christian Shephard?
  18. Sorry to hear CL. My thoughts are with you...
  19. I don't agree, actually I think a "few beers" can do more damage then a couple of hits from the bong... JMO
  20. I wouldn't do it if I were you, they might misconstrue it and think you enjoy receiving them when we all here know you're more in to the giving aspect.
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