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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. Did you know that when you order scrambled eggs at IHOP or Denny's you should ask for real eggs? Not that I eat there much, maybe on the way home from a night out but I just think that's disgusting. The server always looks at me funny when I say "Real eggs please".
  2. Kind of off the main topic but why is it that disease's aren't cured anymore? Only treated. With all of the advances and money being put into finding cures, when was the last time we had one that was actually cured? Polio maybe?
  3. Not a fan of Rome but I would rather spend a year listening to him 24/7 then one minute of those hacks Mike and Mike, they don't even have the balls to take callers. Garbage radio IMO. Seriously if you think Mike and Mike is talk radio, then you're missing out, they're more like fanboy/kiss-ass radio.
  4. Sorry to hear that Cotton, I'll have you in my thoughts tonight and so on... Good luck bro.
  5. I never thought Ginn could be a number 1 but he may actually complement the 49ers offense if he's used correctly. Crabtree, Davis and Gore should allow Ginn to be freed up. This may be the best thing that could've happened to Teddy boys career.
  6. He's a failure because he's been divorced, so I say no, that and his droopy dog eyes make him a liability.
  7. I loathe the Fins more then the avg Bills fan, being I'm stuck down here in Fin territory but I don't agree with this assessment. I like what they're doing. They lost a couple of games last year because of inept WR play, the Indy game comes to mind. Fins and Jets will be at each others throats for the division this year. I think this adds dimensions to the Wildcat that they haven't had, and the thought of Pat White, Ricky Williams, Ronnie Brown and Marshall on the field at the same time is a scary thought. Add Mike Nolan to the mix and as much as I hate to say it the Felons become a formidable team. JMO take it for what it's worth- zilch.
  8. Wow. That may have been one of the most revealing-exciting episodes yet, I'll have to re-watch it tomorrow but there was a lot happening there. I thought for a second that Desmond was going to tell us Smokeys real name. Talk about things heating up...
  9. I just don't think that Morgan will excel as a 34 DE. I do think however in a 43 scheme that he will be a beast. I'd rather Buluga, who manhandled Morgan in the Bowl game.
  10. I'm sorry to hear that Sage, I've been coming to this board for about 10 years and out of all of the newer posters/members in that time I always looked forward to your input on certain topics. You're a good dude Sage and I'm sorry for your loss today. Remember that death is part of life and it seems that he lived a long happy life. Good luck to you on dealing with your loss and remember that you have a whole family of fellow Bills fans here for you. Sincerely Eric
  11. I hate the Jets as much as the next guy but they are going to be the team to beat in the AFC next year. I don't say that because of the Holmes acquisition either, it's their defense that will make them the cream of the crop. As much as this paragraph pains me to write, it's blatantly obvious that with 2 shutdown/ballhawk corners the Jets blitz packages are only going to get more advanced. Couple that with them now having 2 years in the same system, I can only predict improvement. On top of all that, whether you like him or hate him, Rex Ryan is a good coach who the players LOVE. I never hop for injuries but I think the injury bug may be the only thing that will prevent the Jets from at least making it to the AFC championship game.
  12. I think dafting a WR anywhere before the 4th round would be a huge mistake. We need to solidify the trenches and QB then work our way out from there. WR is the least of our problems. Last year we had TO and Evans and got nowhere. In fact Josh Reed's stats as our #2 WR the previous year were very comparable to what TO did, if not better. I have faith in our front office for the first time in a long tome but drafting a WR early will put a dent in that faith, a huge one for that matter. We still have a couple of young receivers with potential in Johnson and Hardy. If Gailey is unwilling to give them a shot first then I have to question his methods as both of them have shown flashes in a horrible system, hell I'm shocked that Evans was able to do what little he did under the circumstances of Jauron and co. FWIW I don't care if Bryant falls to us, a WR in the early rounds is a waste with as many glaring holes to fill. Jesus Christ could play flanker but if we have no LT/QB or running threat* it won't matter. *I say that because the Lynch situation being up in the air as of right now.
  13. Nope and nope, that's Cleveland(from Family Guy), Levi Brown invented a time machine out of a Delorean.
  14. It's simple, until the Bills start deserving some respect, they're not going to get any- No matter what they accomplish.
  15. He improved as the season went on. All in all it seems to be the weaker part of his game, but remember he was a corner until this year. I think by the end of last season his run defense improved considerably.
  16. I think he has bust written all over him. JMO
  17. Yeah but it's not like those picks were jump balls. His reaction time is ridiculous.
  18. It's also pretty remarkable that he was able to do so well as a rookie considering he was learning a new position(FS) I know the transition from CB to FS isn't too difficult but to do it in your rookie year? This kid will be a leader on this defense for years to come.
  19. Man, I remember being upset with this pick. I was wrong though, if he can have half the success this year as he did last, he'll still be better then anything we've had back there since... Well I can't even remember since when. Nice Video BTW
  20. They have Brandon Spikes as a tier 6? I don't thinks so.
  21. Is there any Bush in this draft? Maybe we could trade for Reggie.
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