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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. I can agree with that, but not as much of a problem as there is with alcohol in our schools and that's illegal for minors.
  2. I said free cookies on me!!! (but just for all of those with munchies today)
  3. BTW Graham abused Buffalo fan favorite Bob Bulagalagalaga a few times this last year.
  4. Ehh I understand that it is your opinion but I don't see it. I'm not going to pretend that I've followed either of their careers but after watching these highlights, Graham looks like a much better prospect. Jerry Hughes Brandon Graham Graham seems to always be around the ball and Hughes while good seems to make plays only when the ball comes his way. Like I said, I know you were just stating an opinion but look for yourself, come back and tell me if you still feel that way.
  5. Good, I'm glad he's slow, makes me think he's a tough cookie to move, which by my estimation is the best thing a NT should be.
  6. Sounds like a leader in the making, I like it. Maybe that's why he's being figured into the equation, because truth be told- we really shouldn't be considering a RB at 9 unless he's bringing something else to the table like leadership.
  7. I think it was explained in "Everyone loves Hugo" during the presentation at the beginning, something about working his way up Mr. Clucks and buying a franchise, and then all of the other projects helped make him very rich. I think anyway, I'll be watching it again on my DVR later.
  8. This is why I stay out of these arguments, you live in a black and white world, must be pretty boring there.
  9. I don't usually get in on these arguments surely because no one ever wins however sir, this statement is just plain wrong. I can actually say that I've tried most other drugs before Weed, backwards I know, but when the dust settled weed and only weed is what was left. I could probably rattle off 10 names off of the top of my head(none that you would know) of people that not only smoke just weed but detest-yes I said detest the thought of any other drug or even alcohol, hell if I drink 3 beers a week it's a stretch.
  10. Looks interesting, if you liked the trailers from the Grindhouse series(Best part of the movies if you ask me) then you'll be interested in this... NSFW http://www.alltrailers.net/machete.html
  11. Dog killer = Bad Rapist = ehh, I'll take him Got it. Just trying to gauge the scales at TSW.
  12. ehh they're alright. Just kidding actually, love the band, love Dave, love his story. Most people don't know that he's South African by way of Newolins'. not a bad actor either.
  13. I would be ecstatic if we grabed Graham. I think he may be one of the surest things but that's just my opinion.
  14. What's on 4/20? Is it some sort of holiday?
  15. I literally stumbled upon this site that lets you look up movie quotes. Pretty cool stuff, especially for this board who seems to be obsessed with movies. http://www.subzin.com/
  16. Jon Gruden once coached Helen Keller to a QB rating of 102. She threw for 4572 yards and 36 TD's. She used to have to tickle the center's bum to snap the ball and the shotgun was always an adventure. Way to go Jon Gruden
  17. Yessir. They come in a bag that you mix with water.
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