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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. I'm sorry to hear about that Brian, I hope you're doing alright bro. My condolences
  2. I can't disagree with that, which is why I think it should be ticketed(like i'm sure it would be), cops around here are just waiting to find someone driving erratically anyways. Not that that's a reason but hell you can get a DUI for taking Comtrex before driving. "Because more impaired people will be on the roads" is a reasonable reason to vote no but the other side to that is if authorities are doing their job than it won't be something that should get out of control. The point I'm making is this-While impaired drivers is a valid point, it shouldn't be the the only reason to state your case.
  3. Wait what? We're being bought by the Clippers? Wait...wha?
  4. Like alcohol smoking weed can be controlled. I may take a hit from a bowl before I leave the house much like someone might have a beer before leaving but I don't get stoned and go for a ride, I don't think that's a fun thing to do. In fact I'd prefer to stay at home or maybe even walk somewhere but I don't like to get stoned and drive around. I do think drivers should get tested if they get caught driving stoned, if it ever did get legalized. So to answer your question; yes once, and I hated it. I've driven more after drinking than smoking like most, not that I'm advocating it but I want to be honest at the same time.
  5. Exactly Haynesworth doesn't want to play in a 34. Maybe because it exposes him? just a thought. Trading for him IMO wouldn't cost too much because of his disgruntlement and his contract. I'd guess a 4th or 5th. Bringing him here however would be a mistake, We'd just have the same problem that the Skins are having.
  6. I thought I read he was going to be an end in the new scheme.
  7. Did I read that Losts' series finally is going to be 3 hours long?
  8. Agreed, I don't smoke before I go to work just like I don't drink before I go to work. I don't smoke before I go to a meeting just like I don't drink before I go to meeting. BB and Chef have stereotyped what they believe are potheads just like I can stereotype an drinker. It's not for everyone just like drinking. Why is it that you two believe what you believe without any grey area's? And don't give me "because I've done this" or "I know so many who have done that" that's a BS argument. So what if you know 20 potheads who are worthless? I know 20 who aren't and just because you have done x amount of drugs doesn't make you an expert, it makes you a burnout or just bitter to those that still enjoy.
  9. My problem with Morgan though is that he really seems to be a 43 DE more then anything and he may be more of a project then say a Dan Williams. We can't afford anymore first round projects, we need someone to hit the ground running. Spiller/Cody/Williams/Graham seem to fit in that catagory of those who should still be there. I really would be happy with any of these picks but I think only Williams and Spiller maybe even Graham give you value at 9.
  10. Why would anyone want to play here? We have to start off this year with a good draft and prove that this thing is for real before people might want to choose our team. Seriously if any other team matched the Bills' offer on any player why would he want to come to a team who has proven nothing other than ineptness in a decade?
  11. I don't think either Williams or Okung will make it that far and Bulaga is a RT. I warmed up to the idea of Spiller and wouldn't mind that pick but the 34 NEEDS a NT and if you want a good 34 defense you need a good NT. I'm not saying Williams will be great but he and Cody are probably the best at that spot and I doubt Cody falls to the 2nd. IDK how I feel about that yet, right now it's giving me that ehhh feeling. I however would be thrilled if we traded down and grabbed him or Cody.
  12. FOOLS FOOLS YOU ARE ALL FOOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Corner shouldn't have to battle unless they bring in another corner with a high pick(1-5) or they sign someone. McGee is starting to break down a bit and McKelvin seems to catch the injury bug from time to time. Florence and Corner should be battling for the nickel spot.
  14. Wow man you really do live in a black and white world. I bet you drive the exact speed limit too, don't wanna break any laws do ya or wait is there some laws that are okay to break? Like going 56 in a 55?
  15. Wait, my favorite is "It kills your ambition" Really? I'd like to see someone prove that, especially with all the talented athletes who smoke.
  16. Exactly!!! I could definitely see kids still finding a way to get their hands on it, like they do with alcohol but once of age why the hell would you want to go anywhere else but a dis. I mean especially with all the different types of smoke nowadays, why would you want to go to some guy who has just one choice? It's like buying cigerettes from your friends but all they have are Newports.
  17. Be nice to Chef Emeril, if you wake him from his fantasy world, he could get angry, and if that happens... well maybe he'll come up with a NEW line and that's a scary thought.
  18. Actually if we made alcohol illegal and made MJ legal we would decrease the number of impaired. I say it's time to get the drunks off of the road and let the potheads be lazy and stay home.
  19. Agreed, in fact we should ban alcohol and legalize MJ.
  20. I didn't mean a few times as in games, I meant as in a few times during the game.
  21. Exactly, it's funny how irrational some sober people think. It's almost as if they need to toke to be level.
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