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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. I still contest that even though Scott Howard decided not to "Wolf Out" against Micks "Dragons" in the high school basketball final, that the Beavers still had an unfair advantage due to the rest of the team basically taking the season off. It's easier to win when you have fresh legs, plain and simple.
  2. No, what's dumb is that the guy has a SB win and you try to diminish that by knocking his a opponent. It's not like the Bears won a raffle to get there. Our own Marv Levy is 0-4 at such a feat.
  3. Sorry but that's dumb. If it weren't for the 90 Raiders we wouldn't have made it to our first Superbowl
  4. Tony Dungy has changed the world(first black HC to win a SB) and maybe it's because of his outlook on life.... or maybe it's because of Peyton Manning Who am i to judge?
  5. Been a fan of Selvie for awhile, I'd love to see him end up here. Good pedigree too I believe.
  6. Agreed, I couldn't be happier. I think the dbags on here who are claiming that Nix is a horrible GM after this pick are hysterical. Great job Buddy and Chan, finally a combo that knows football players, I'm stoked to see the rest of the draft.
  7. That gets 3 Sad thing is that I know what he was going through Flip Flops can be your worst enemy when your effed up, that and phones.
  8. Yeah man, see that's what makes the Office great, it's not Pam and Jim or Jim and Dwight or Michael, it's everything in between. Not to say that all those characters aren't funny because they are but it's the little things that sets the Office apart from the rest.
  9. Now grab a QB and a LT. Then we can run formations with Evans and Hardy at WR with Spiller in the slot, put Lynch(if we keep him) at FB and Jackson at HB or pull Lynch and put Nelson in at TE, or maybe pull Hardy and put Roscoe in the slot and flank Spiller. Gailey is foaming at the mouth right now, we need to get him a QB.
  10. I can't say that I disagree with you but we have so many holes that we really could take any player other than DB and plug him in. RB may not have been the most pressing need but it is a need, Marshawn has been done here for a while, in fact he was absent at the voluntary workouts and seems to want out anyway and Fred Jackson is approaching 30. I can understand people wanting to draft a LT but why settle for the 3rd best LT who is something of a project when you can draft the best offensive talent there is, see we are conditioned as Bills fans to draft needs as opposed to BPA, that's not a way to build a successful team IMO.
  11. It can't look too stupid being that a lot of "experts" mock drafts had us taking Spiller also, and everyone on ESPN liked the pick(not that they're any kind of barometer), I just don't understand how we look stupid if everyone seems to like the pick...
  12. These are the same people that bitched about the Byrd pick last year without seeing what the kid can do.
  13. That's ridiculous, see what happens next? You mean we shouldn't judge off of 1 pick? I don't understand... In fact I bet the SAME POSTERS were complaining oh wait strike that last sentence. In fact I bet it was the same COMPLAINERS last year that hated the Byrd pick, I bet they were sure about what a horrible pick that was.
  14. I didn't say that I agree with the pick or not, I just stated that we should wait until the draft is over before we start crying like babies
  15. Lay off the complainers? LOL I'm sorry complainers, feel better now? Now go ahead and complain some more, if that makes you feel any better... Lay off the complainers :lol: :lol:
  16. You would think that us, being Bills fans would have a strong stomach but I guess not huh? GOOD FRIGGIN LORD as my Drill SGT used to say, GET THA FUG OVER IT. The Bills have made 1 out of 9 picks and some of you are ready to judge Nix? What a joke! If we drafted Clausen tom and used the rest of our 7 picks on the front lines you chicken little's would look pretty stupid come Sunday, that's right I said come Sunday, just 2 days away. I think Spiller/Clausen or McCoy plus 7 new prospects on the line would be a successful draft but wait I forgot that we have to judge Nix by this 1st pick only... Geez... I don't know what's going to happen with the rest of the draft and neither do you, so to start threads that talk about how disappointed in this draft you are is ludicrous, ridiculous and dumb all rolled into one. Get over it, one of the things that makes us Bills fans great is our resiliency, well to be quite frank some here are making a joke out of that tonight with their chicken little attitudes. If Sunday morning rolls around and we've drafted 2 more RBs, 3 DBs and 3 TE's then you can complain but until that happens, grow a set and shut up.
  17. So 1 out of 9 picks has been made and your not impressed? Whoa! What a revelation! The sky is falling!!! The sky is falling!!!
  18. Oh nevermind I see where your from now, it all makes sense all if the sudden. Hater Gotta love haters.
  19. No I won't put it in my sig, I don't care that much, I certainly don't care as much as you do that I might bad mouth a player who is not only gifted but also who seems to be an exceptional person. There IMO is no reason to be so hostile towards the kid, I mean he is just a kid and he is also a good example for other kids who play the game. Are you maybe a Georgia fan by chance?
  20. 2nd dumbest thing I've read all night. Okay lets take the first nat. championship from him, feel better? Dumber.
  21. Dumbest thing I've read all night, and there have been some doozies. SEC record for rushing TD's, 88 passing TD's, a Heisman, 2 national championships, yeah the kid has no talent. Dumb.
  22. Spiller is the best offensive weapon in the draft and while I agree that we need a lot of help up front on BOTH sides of the ball I think Spiller was just too good to pass up. Believe it or not folks - WE DO HAVE MORE PICKS COMING, so put away the Kleenex and tell us what you would do with the rest of the picks... BTW if you haven't seen it yet watch this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFcecMcS6bA I don't remember a player this explosive in 3 aspects of the game that has come out recently, Spiller is just sick and from what I understand he is a great kid who has leader written all over him
  23. I guess the draft is over because all the doom and gloomers have said so. We shouldn't even make another pick, what's the point right sobbers? It is was it is, why don't we just let the rest of the draft play out before we claim the end of the world. Geez, not that I'm surprised though...
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