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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. I love when I see or read about others bashing Chan or Nix for being from the south, it makes me laugh. The south knows football.
  2. Right... because the Pats never have players that step up. Moore, a Raiders rookie 2nd string WR had 150 yards receiving on us.
  3. Actually my original post was directed at matter2003's post about athletes in general and their infatuation with drug use.
  4. I don't know what he is, not for me to say and if you're looking to argue whether or not weed is addictive I'm not going to do that. The substance is not the issue, its the behavior.
  5. Completely agree, however a recreational user should be able to stop when ultimate consequences are held over them.
  6. Drug use, abuse and addiction in general are mostly a symptom of something else, recreational use aside, when there are major consequences at stake that do not deter the user from his or her use then there is usually an underlying problem.
  7. Stop watching the news, its that simple. I haven't heard a thing about Peyton except on here... jesus that means I'm getting my news from TBD.
  8. With 440 total yards and 1 td on offense and over 1000 returning yards with a td in the kick game, he is already way ahead of where Maybin has ever been.
  9. I think the promise we have of a pass rush this year will only help our secondary. This defense has potential to be a very good.
  10. Really like this Doc, reminds me a lot of My Morning Jackets old stuff.
  11. So lets trade 1 proven pro bowler and one of the better QB's we've had in the last 20 years for just a chance to draft an unproven talent.... I see. This isn't Madden.
  12. Powder Blue Ray Liotta Jessica Beil Forrest Whitaker Found this one on late night cable. Beil plays a stripper and IMO has one of the hottest striptease scenes I've ever seen w nudity and candle wax, then again, I'm a Jessica Beil fan and any excuse to see her naked I'll jump at. Kris Kristofferson, Lisa Kudrow and Patrick Swayze play small parts as well. It may not be for everyone but I thought it was well done, it's one of those movies that has a certain feel to it. Both visually appealing and a good soundtrack. Swayze's last role BTW... RIP Or if you want to skip the movie and just watch the dance, NSFW
  13. Also if you guys like any of the above music then let me introduce you to Gogol Bordello, one of my favorite bands. They have a new album coming out and will be on Jimmy Fallon tonight. and
  14. I agree, actually it reminds me of how "Little Miss Sunshine" popularized Devotcka- and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbZM6ZSlvvY
  15. Another instance where the cover was better than the original, imo at least- it's hard to outdo Zepplin but I love this version.
  16. Since you brought it up here is some Springsteen not many know that he wrote that song one of a few instances IMO where the cover outdid the original.
  17. One of my fav's BB http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSwJlv0Bljg
  18. Quite, maybe it isn't as evident in the samples on the site but the CD I have is dubstep, klezmir and rockabilly. I can't think of too many bands using this formula nor would I be able to classify the sound under any of the aforementioned labels, and to say alternative rock punk or anything else is a copout IMO.
  19. As some of you know, I've recently ventured off into to the music biz, the journalisim part of it at least, and am heading the charge to take an all hip-hop mag for up & coming artists and expanding it's vision to a broader range of music. Right now I'm in contact with a european band who has taken a little bit of americana and mixed it with dubstep while not comprimising their european sound, ad a Tom Waitsian feel and you have Yes Sir Boss. I can't help but think these guys may be on their way to creating their own genre and wanted to get your take. The name of the band is Yes Sir Boss and here is their site http://www.yessirboss.com/Index2.html The tracks are diverse so you may want to play a couple to get a feel for them... "Will you ever learn" may showcase their talents more than any other track they offer. BTW the magazine I'm working for is Get'em magazine.
  20. Chavous is a notorious film junkie and considered a phenom scout. I've enjoyed his analysis for a couple of years.
  21. I've been coming to this board for ten years this upcoming offseason and every so often we seem to get an influx of new blood, this year it was obvious though with the front office changes. Thinkin' about goin' on hiatus for a bit But not without one more music thread.
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