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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. Umm Chris Brown is the Bills staff reporter and has the inside track on anything going on in the Bills FO. If anything this tells me that Buddy got who he was targeting.
  2. How are you so sure there aren't 3 starters in this draft? Freddie was an UDFA and Fitzpatrick, Stevie and Bell were all 7th rounders that were at the very least quality starters for us last year,I trust this admins personal decisions, how is it that you can see the future of this years draft better than them? You're just mad that the players YOU wanted the Bills wanted nothing to do with.
  3. John Beck may be the worst QB I've ever seen play in the NFL. I'd rather Rob Johnson as the backup
  4. Agreed, however I think we should go defense with the other 5 picks
  5. Just a thought but Buddy did say he'd look for a couple of OTs in the draft. And if Glen does happen to be better at guard and cant swing the LT position we can put him at RG, Hairston at LT and Massie at RT. I like Pears but an oline of Hairston, Levitre, Wood, Glenn and Massie would be formidable for years to come. Anyways just having some fun with it and humbly wondering what you guys thought.
  6. ^^^This It's strange for me to see people B word about picks without having any idea on how they'll turn out. It seems to me that mostly people who aren't happy with the picks are just upset that they didn't get their way. It's okay, I mean i like things to be done my way a lot too, but I just go ahead and flip on Madden because I actually have some control in that game. We as fans have NO control over who we draft and having a fit because the team didn't draft who we wanted seems like a miserable way to live. I like the direction Buddy has been steering this team and honestly while this may not have been the draft I would have ran if I were GM, I'm not, so all I can do is be a fan. :D
  7. Please no Guard at 10 and no to Levitre at LT. I don't understand the obsession with Decastro, he's good but I can't see him as good enough to start shifting Levitre to tackle. Why don't we just draft Richardson and move Spiller to WR?
  8. Are the eagles aware that their fans are trying to trade draft picks?
  9. 25lbs of muscle and 7% BF drop in 10 weeks is not natural, I don't care if your diet is perfect and you train nonstop. The body only grows when you rest and if you are working out 3 times a day for sixty days when does your body rest? You also need food to fuel muscle growth, to eat clean enough to lose 7% bodyfat in 60 days doesn't make sense if you're gaining 25 pounds in that time. Just doesn't add up, feel good story or not. I'm 6 ft 217lbs, it took me 2 years of training very hard and eating right to go up from 160, If I would of had his trainer and dietician I'd weigh 460 lbs by now(just being a smartass to make a point)
  10. Yeah man, I mean muscle memory is one thing but that kind of transformation in two and a half months is highly unlikely without some kind of help.
  11. Yeah I dont see the front office putting too much more money on the DL, even w the new rookie pay scale.
  12. Off season conditioning program starts on the 23rd. He's probably referring to that
  13. So spend 3 of our last top 4 picks on corners.... My head would explode. Go with one or the other
  14. While I do believe that character IS important, I also believe in 2nd, 3rd and 4th chances. I know its not a popular opinion in this "I want results now world" but we have to remember that these are young men, young men who deal with a lot of stress and pressure at times. We as fans, along with the media are hugely responsible for this and yet we condemn them. Just because these kids are gifted athletes doesn't mean they are super human, a lot are from different social and cultural environments that people like me and you may not be able to relate to or maybe we can, I can't say. What I can say is that I'm a six time felon, been arrested more times than I can count. I've alienated more people and family members I can count, including my son. I've been fired time and time again and being a six time felon finding jobs has always been deservedly difficult. I'm a drug addict and an alcoholic, two stigmas I never thought I could allow to creep out of my mouth, however today i have no problem admitting. I was given so many chances through my life that I lost count, that is until the age of 31. I've got 2 years sober now, my family back, engaged with a daughter on the way and I own 2 business today, but before all of that though I reach out to help others find another chance. Whether it be their second, third or 20th. Character IS important but ones deeds as a young man should not define them for life.
  15. I've listened to Buddy talk and I'm positive he would talk circles around you. You sound like an idiot
  16. Ehh... Love Mitch but they could've used better material in that article A few of my Favs -"You know they call corn-on-the-cob "corn-on-the-cob," right? But that's how it comes out of the ground, man. They should call that "corn", and they should call every other version "corn-off-the-cob." It's not like if you cut off my arm you would call my arm "Mitch", but then reattach it and call it "Mitch-all-together." -"I never joined the army because "at ease" never seemed that easy to me. It seemed rather uptight, still. I do not relax by putting my arms behind my back and parting my legs slightly, that does not equal ease to me. At ease is not being in the military. I'm eased bro, cause I'm not in the military." -"One time, this guy handed me a picture of him, he said,"Here's a picture of me when I was younger." Every picture is of you when you were younger. "Here's a picture of me when I'm older." "You son-of-a-B word! How'd you pull that off? Lemme see that camera... what's it look like? "
  17. Who is Marshall Lynch? You lost me at that. This is a different regime and the CJ pick is looking good at this point, especially is Fred goes down again. See above. Kelly, great post. It feels great to trust to FO again doesn't it.
  18. I think they're banking on Merriman being healthy quite honestly or maybe they'll move Kelsey over there. Maybe Kelsey on rushing downs and Merriman on passing downs or they'll draft someone. I think moving Mario to LDE means they have something up their sleve.
  19. So what's your take on Mario playing LDE for us this year?
  20. I like that idea but I would go Martin/Hill and then Curry in the 2nd. I know we need a corner but I think our starters are set with Williams and Florence, we could pick up a 3rd cb in the 3rd.
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