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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. Yeah buddy I'm good here, fought for this country and love this country, however I think we could do better. Why is it a crime to want more from my country. Why is it bad that I don't like how sorry our education system is or how we treat the elderly? This country was the best country in the world for quite some time, but things don't last. The empire is fading and that's okay, it's the natural order of things. I'll always love what we stood for but I won't romanticize it.
  2. Can't say any country is really the best but america is in the 20's in math, 7th in literacy, 50th in Life expectancy, 23rd in unemployment and first in incarcerations. I'm not saying I don't love this country but I just want to know what makes us the "best"?
  3. Not to hijack the thread but what exactly are we the best at? I love this country and served it for 4 years but to say we're the best at anything is a disillusionment, we haven't been the "Best" in quite some time.
  4. Speaking of.... I went to a wedding this week at a nice resort in Boca and ran into Ray Lewis. The guy ignored everyone who was yelling his name and just went along with his business. A bunch of guys were bitching that he was being a dick but I don't blame the guy, he may have come across like a jerk but he wasn't there for an autograph session, he was there to stay at the resort.
  5. Yeah that was #3 on my list, 1994 was the year I worked at Blockbuster Video for the summer. Great movies that year.
  6. I was watching movies on TV this weekend(being that the weather was horrid in my neck of the woods)and noticed that the few movies that i caught were from the same year. Back to the Future and Fletch were both from 1985 and are two of my faves, so I looked up films from 1985 and saw that along with the aforementioned The Goonies, Breakfast Club, European Vacation and Rocky 4 were all from that year as well and while maybe not the best movies they're some fun movies to watch. Also 1979 had some great films as well, Alien, Rocky 2, Apocalypse Now, The Jerk and Star Trek. What years stand out to you as far as films go?
  7. Rest bro, there's not a whole lot you can do other than that and a cold compress every chance you get. Don't push it or you may have a long term nagging injury. When I was in basic training I sprained an ankle and decided to keep running anyways so I didn't have to face the wrath of my DS, well I ended up tearing the tendon in my other ankle on that run and was out of commission for over a month before I was able to lightly jog again. I've since had ankle problems my whole life. Also every now and again I'll injure something while weight training and know enough now to just take time off to heal. Two months ago I pulled my groin and had to sit out for three weeks and hated every minute of it.
  8. Not to get into an argument with you on this but don't you think that Choices 3 extra years in the league plus playing for Gailey in college may have something do with him "getting it" better than Spiller thus far? Not trying to make any excuses for CJ but if it takes him a little extra time to understand things I'm okay with that, this team doesn't live or die with his performance at this point.
  9. Ehh Phooey It's still a stupid game. I game that I love mind you but a game none the less. I Love my Bills and I love football but if it all vanished tomorrow it wouldn't affect my daily life one bit. 7M+ or not, I could care less and as one poster previously stated in this thread or another I'll take 7 pts for a 15 yard penalty any day, but then again that's just me.
  10. This. They're not working a Dunkin Donuts or IBM, it's a game, it's STRICTLY entertainment. Football players are not like you and me, if I jumped up and did a dance everytime I got a sale or hit a goal I'd look stupid, I'd look like I had never "been there before". I however am not an entertainer, I'm a website owner.
  11. I agree let the kid have fun. People take this game too seriously, it's entertainment and nothing more.
  12. Dave Winfield was drafted by the NBA, MLB and the NFL
  13. Bo Jackson. If the guy would have chosen a sport to focus on he would've been one of the best ever. In 1989 the guy hit 32 HR and had 105 RBI in 135 baseball games and ran for 950 yards in only 11 games for the Raiders. The guy was a freak.
  14. I believe if Wood can stay healthy for an extended period of time he will be dominant. He's got the skills and more importantly the attitude to be a monster.
  15. I've written a few articles about bath salts, I co-own a website that helps people struggling in addiction and through that I as well as a bunch of other people with experience and knowledge have written about every drug you can imagine. I can tell you right now that comparing bath salts to weed is like comparing a wine cooler to moonshine. Bath salts are unimaginably horrible and it's remarkable that they are sold legally in a lot of states. I've worked with many who have used bath salts, they themselves will tell you how horrid they can be while using. Unfortunately the use of bath salts are used mainly because of how accessible they can be. This guys behavior although extreme is not uncommon.
  16. Umm again I think my post is being misunderstood, I have no problem with him rapping. I was referring to those that do. My sarcasm machine must be on the fritz
  17. Huh? When did I say anything about a questionable choice? I have no problem with what he does in his spare time.
  18. It's that people just don't like his choices, if he were guest hosting SNL like Eli it would be fine with most.
  19. Powder Blue Ray Liotta,Jessica Beal(who plays a stripper and plays it well) and Forrest Wittaker
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