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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. Man, your dream situation seems brutal. This thread has made me hungry...
  2. That's the problem right there, no one else has stepped up to this point.
  3. Johnson and Edwards give us one of the deepest lines in the NFL, you don't give that up IMO. Thigpen saves us almost as much money to cut as Johnson does and I think thats one big reason to keep VY over him with everything else being equal. That plus I believe we have something like 8 million dollars in dead money this year that we won't have to account for next year. We'll be okay cap wise
  4. I don't think McGee gets cut, I do believe that the youth movement is in full effect at CB however I think veteran leadership shouldn't be undervalued there. I'd rather see Mckelvin gone.
  5. I'm fine with it. The media will be the cause of the Jets meltdown this year. There are too many egos on that team and so much coverage that something will eventually give. It's a good thing for us, let the Jets and their media-whoring coach crumble to the Jets fans and media who WANT a controversy.
  6. I wouldn't call that a parallel, ones faith vs. ones sports team shouldn't be classified as parallels IMO.
  7. Wear the damn tie and honor the man, guy sounds like a douche bag.
  8. You can put a huge part of the blame on the RX companies and the doctors who are heavily urged to prescribe them. Just look at the pain clinic problem going on, it's gotten ridiculous. You can walk into a pain clinic with an MRI and walk out with 240 oxys 30mg, 180 oxys 15 mg and 90 xanax A MONTH. With just a little back or neck pain. My fiancee just had our first baby on Wed. a beautiful 8.4 pound little girl. She had to have an emergency C Section and afterwords was offered 7 times to be given pain meds. Now we both specifically told the doctors and nurses that my fiance is a recovering drug addict who has been sober for 8 years and that she would be fine with Motrin and Tylenol. And yet they kept pushing it, even though she was fine and not in a lot of pain. Finally I had to talk with the vice president of the hospital who was making rounds just to do some reviews and it stopped.... for a day. The day we left the hospital they still wrote her a script for percs, which we ripped up upon leaving. I understand its their responsibility to help with pain management and its the users responsibility to to manage whats prescribed but in this day and age when prescription drugs are so freely given out and people have become dependent on them, its the professionals who have to step up and regulate. They have to be more responsible.
  9. Okay my choice of words were poor, I can admit that and I apologize if they offended you. If I had known what I said was offensive to you I would have retracted. However your name calling and insults were out of line as well. I'll own my part.
  10. Why is it talking out of my ass to not agree that America is the best country?
  11. If I remember correctly we rarely won a preseason games during the SB years.
  12. Well maybe you haven't been paying attention then. Jauronimo seems to like talking $#!* a lot. I don't post a lot but I read.There's a way to have a discussion and he seems to enjoy making it personal. He admitted himself to being a prick in this very thread.
  13. 3rd Grade analysis? Nice. You talk a lot, an internet tough guy it seems. I served this country as a ranger during this abortion of a war and If you'd like to start throwing words out there and you're ready to back them up let me know. I have no problem explaining to you in person the kind of prick you're being. And I will argue that the US in not the best because it's a matter of my perspective. As far as national defense, that's a joke. We outspend the next 26 countries below us COMBINED, 25 of those countries being supposed allies. Our spending is out of control and I'll argue that because of that spending we are pushing this country more into debt and therefore downgrading the quality of living by ignoring other important issues.
  14. Oh so you read all of that. Cool, you're a fast reader. Still however it seems to rank America 4th. Now mind you I didn't read the whole thing as I'm obviously not nearly as smart as you and can't read as fast but 4th is the best by your standards?
  15. Okay give me some stats that show America is the "best" in standard of living then. I'll put the onus on you to prove that America is the best.
  16. You can keep waiting. What is everyone's preoccupation with the "best"? Some are better than others and some are worse. There may be no best and I never claimed there was. Its a cockeyed view of the world to suggest there has to be a "best".
  17. You gave no answers, only your opinions. Which were well thought out I admit. I gave my opinion and don't have any other data then the ranking I posted. You won't agree with my point and I won't agree with yours, fighting on an internet message board is not my thing. I have an opinion and I stated it. I don't feel the need to satisfy your requirements for a debate, therefore, I agree to disagree with you and you can do whatever you want.
  18. Here's where we stand on these issues: In education Avg at best In healthcare Horrible Infant mortaliy 180th Crime Yay! We win Incarcerations We win again You wouldn't agree that the "best" country in the world would be better at these key categories?
  19. I guess I started a debate hat I shouldn't have. I love this country but I don't agree its the best. We can agree to disagree.
  20. Why does anyone have to be the best? Why can't we just love America and want more from it? I couldn't tell you who was the best but I know we can do better. We love America because we're Americans and we know the greatness this country is capable of, not because we're blind but because we were once there. At least that's why I love this country and I can only speak for me. We were once ahead of the game in everything that mattered- science, technology, government and economy but we can't say the same anymore and that saddens me. I know that I still have yet to answer your question and that's because I can't. There isn't a world championship that decides who the best country is but if there were I doubt we'd win.
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