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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. Get over it bro, I guess you're happy with the way they've been dead and emotionless this year.
  2. I'm all for it, emotion and attitude is what this team needs right now. They don't look like they're having any fun out there, so what if we get a flag or two? I'd rather that then an emotionless lot of players who "give up" when they're down. If they are not going to get the emotion from the staff then they need to generate it on their own.
  3. Where there is smoke there is fire. I'm not saying Mallett hasn't "grown up" so to speak but just because he's on the pats doesn't mean he's not a head case. Haynesworth was a nut and Belichik took quite an expensive chance on him. As far as I'm concerned(and this is just a personal opinion) you don't want someone with character issues at the QB position.
  4. Dexters been the highlight of my Sundays recently
  5. Let's say that we can't trade up and we're picking say 7th or so. Do we take a 2nd tier QB like Tyler Wilson or do we go with a 1st tier LB like Te'o?
  6. I see a lot of Ryan Mallett on peoples list lately, doesn't anyone remember the knock on him coming out of college? He's a head case supposedly. I'm not sure if he's gotten his **** together or not but a head case is not what you want at QB.
  7. 2 of these in one day? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills
  8. Yes I believe that Johnson is one of the few leaders on this team, that segment showed that.
  9. I'm thinking of the scene from the doors with Fitz playing the role of Morrison following an indian through the desert
  10. 1. With our luck Spiller or FJ will tear their rotator cuff throwing the ball 2. Would love to see this but Wanny has no imagination 3. I'd be okay with seeing TJ on a reverse 4. Yes please(fake punts work quite often) 5. ehhh I'd like to see players get benched and Wanny get moved down to the field. I think that will shake some people up.
  11. Actually what I'm saying is that this guy does nothing BUT bash one guy. That's all his posts consist of "Fitz this and Fitz that" and while I'm not defending Fitz I think it's extremely hypocritical to jump in and defend someone and say its not okay to bash someone when that's all he ever does. People used to get banned from this site for crusading.
  12. Really bro, you are approaching crusading levels with the Fitz thing. In fact I haven't seen a post from you that wasn't bashing Fitz. I'm not defending the QB by any means but you should be the last one giving advice on bashing players.
  13. I see no issue here. He sounds like a leader(as delusional as he may sound) that is not only embarrassed about yesterday but believes the team is better than they have shown.
  14. Actually the contrary, Dareus embodies what this teams problem is right now. Plenty of talent and little fire. I understand he's going through some really hard stuff in his life but he's a grown man that gets paid well to handle his business. He's not handling his business and he seems to be okay with that. That's he issue here, if your hearts not in it move on.
  15. ^^^^ This Also why does it matter if we're wasting a roster spot on a KOS? What else would we do with that spot? Better question is why are we wasting a roster spot on Ruvell Martin?
  16. I understand this, in fact I'm of the opinion to not take football too seriously most of the time. To me it is just a game and if the reason Dareus' mentality has changed is because of the death to his brother then I understand where he is coming from. However on the other end of that is this- this is his profession and his business, if he views it as not that important in the grand scheme of things anymore then he's in trouble as far as football goes. I agree that in the grand scheme football doesn't mean anything but this should not be a professional football players view in my opinion if he wants to be successful.
  17. In the grand scheme yes he is right. However if you're getting paid millions of dollars and people are counting on you, like your teammates, management and fans it should be taken more seriously than just a game. I don't look at my job and say "ehh, it's just a job" I have people counting on me and I take my job seriously. When I stop taking it seriously, I won't have it
  18. How embarrassing is this, you guys are a prideful bunch? “It is just a game.” http://www.buffalobi...6a-9c7718e43db2 Seriously? Yes it is "just a game" however it's your profession and you get paid well to do it. These guys respond to getting tagged for 1200 yards in 2 games with "it's just a game". This is to me at least shows a lack of heart and little to no fight. This mentality right here is the real problem IMO.
  19. We're back to this? 2010 all over again with the Campbell threads
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