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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. Absolutely, it is a calories in/calories out equation. However if the calories in are healthy muscle building calories like protein and healthy carbs, then you will see results provided you're adding in exercise. I'll tell you what I did. When I was 220lbs and 25% BF, I was eating garbage and barely exercising. I was repping 135x5 on the bench the few times I went to the gym, this was at the age of 33. I would complain that I never had time for the gym or to prepare meals, I was full of $%^#. I started waking up at 430am, eat some oatmeal with nothing on it and drink a protein shake, then hit the gym. I rotated chicken, beef, fish and turkey with whole wheat pasta or brown rice throughout the day, getting about 3500 cals with a 40/40/20 split of protein/carbs/fat. It sucked at first and it took some getting used to but after a few weeks I lost my appetite for the junk. I'm 35 now, I weigh 191lbs, I'm 10% BF and I rep 225x15 on the bench. I didn't do any magic pills or steroids, I didn't buy into TV products and I stayed focused. Having a day or two of "pigging out" is actually good for you're metabolism. No rationalization needed.
  2. I don't understand this, I'm sorry. I was 220lbs and 25%BF and am currently 191lbs at 10%BF and I never starved myself once. In fact I take in as many calories as I did before, I just don't eat garbage. I replaced ice cream with a protein shake, ground beef with ground turkey and white rice with brown. I don't eat fast food as often(although I do indulge from time to time). Putting your body into starvation mode is a horrible way to lose weight as are crash diets, no one is suggesting either.
  3. I disagree, will power rarely comes into effect when quitting heroin, maybe smoking but definitely not heroin. Comparing changing your eating habits to quitting heroin doesn't work, they're not in the same ballpark. Also show me one heroin addict that's been clean for any considerable amount of time that doesn't have a constant or at least intermediate struggle. I've been clean off of heroin for 3 years, I've quit smoking and I've changed my eating habits considerably the last two years. Guess which was the hardest? The easiest? I can buy a pack of Oreo's today and they'll last me 2 weeks, if I bought a bag of heroin today it would last an hour.
  4. Completely agree, it's about choices. If you CHOSE to eat fast food and sweets and CHOSE to not exercise than you have no one to blame but yourself. And it's okay to indulge from time to time, in fact its good for your metabolism to eat like a pig every once in awhile but when it becomes the norm and not the exception then you have to do something about it. Also using the excuse "I don't have the time" to eat healthy or exercise is BS. It literally takes 10 min worth of work to throw a couple of lbs of chicken breasts in the oven and seal it in plastic bags when its done. You can find microwavable brown minute rice, buy pre-cut fruit or a jar of peanuts.
  5. Cure for obesity? Exercise and eat right. The end.
  6. I really wanted to like this, but it was way too simple. I feel like more could've been done with the plot. Ryan Reynolds in a box is fine and all but 90 minutes of it with nothing but a few phone calls got annoying.
  7. I would tend to agree but if you're clean and you have nothing to worry about, who cares?
  8. I know you were bro, I actually live in a world full of addicts, alcoholics and people with PDs. Literally. Sometimes I take it a little too seriously.
  9. Oh I've done my share of field research... I'd take an avg looking girl with appropriate boundaries in a heartbeat. Yeah until you wave hi to a girl you work with and Rhianna slashes your tires for cheating on her.
  10. Have you ever been with a woman who was in SLAA? It's not nearly as fun as you think it is, in fact its a disaster. Someone who has issues with love and sex addiction is usually not okay with you even knowing another member of the opposite sex. It's an overbearing nightmare.
  11. lol absolutely ridiculous. He's led the AFC in INT in 2 of his 4 seasons, but yeah he doesn't anticipate well and he's slow.
  12. Hahaha For what? The Bills would be LUCKY to get a 7th rounder for him
  13. Top Gun is homoeroticism at its finest and I can't for the life of me see why people love this movie or deem it as a guy flick.
  14. I ws just playing around on WalterFootball and came across their version of Emmitt Smiths 2013 mock draft and it's pretty hilarious, so I thought I would share. (sorry if it's been posted already, but I didn't see it) http://walterfootball.com/draft2013emmitt.php
  15. In the last 22 seasons the Steelers have only had 4 losing seasons. They barely struggled at all with or without him
  16. Really? What did you expect him to say? I like that there is some misdirection coming from the FO, thats the way competitive business works.
  17. You know Russ gets a lot of !@#@ around here but he was the acting GM when we drafted Byrd, Wood and Levitre, although, that being said he was the acting GM when we drafted Maybin too.
  18. EJ is 6'4 240, I'm not all that worried about him running the ball. I'd rather him be a throw first QB but he's the size of a linebacker and should be able to lay a blow himself when he does takeoff.
  19. I almost said Major League 2 also, what a peice of crap that was
  20. American Psycho 2 and Boondock Saints 2 were abortions compared to the originals.
  21. What the hell is happening?
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