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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. Yeah let's bash Stevie alone on this one, it's ALL on him. We've had 1 semi consistent player over the last couple of years, who by the way seems to actually enjoy playing in Buffalo, and there is a select few who can't wait to run him out of town because they don't agree with him having fun. What about the really nice TD grab he had? Lets forget about that. Yes, he is partially to blame for the loss. But what about Spiller who was garbage today or Chandler who couldn't stop causing penalties early on? Do they get a pass because they act how you deem to be appropriate? Stupid and ridiculous.
  2. How about this- Stevie is just talking trash, displaying that he's not scared of NE in way only Stevie can. You don't have to like his antics, I happen to. No need to over analyze anything.
  3. 3 out of our first 4 games are at home. Whats so tough about that? Screw the Pats, Jets, Carolina and the Ravens. I like our chances.
  4. Ding Ding Ding!!! Efff em. Tired of the chicken $#^! attitude.
  5. My wife is from Chilicothe, we went up there last winter for the holidays and spent some time in Columbus. I loved it up there, much nicer and more cultural than I had imagined. The dining up there is outstanding.
  6. Spiller is averaging 5.4 yards a carry so far in preseason. What are you worried about? Good God
  7. I stand corrected, maybe I need to into hgh for my tennis elbow that's been plaguing me for over a year.
  8. Can you please enlighten me as to what PEDs strengthen and/or repair ligaments, tendons or joints? In fact if you do a little research you'll see that most steroids WEAKEN these areas, while there are a couple that help lubricate these parts, none of them will help strengthen them. Now that doesn't mean that AP hasn't used PEDs but if he did it wasn't to recuperate from an ACL tear.
  9. Name the only state that doesn't have a straight line for one of it's borders.
  10. Interesting take.... I did notice on the second play of the first preseason game Mario losing his $#%# on someone for blowing their assignment and allowing a 7 yard run. Struck me as odd because I don't remember seeing a whole lot of emotion from Mario, especially in the preseason
  11. I picked up Edelman from the Pats in the 15th round.
  12. Yes, and it's helped my life immensely. Someone once told me that praying was talking to God and meditating was listening to God. My schedule is insane and it's hard to find time to sit and meditate, so I find ways to mediate during my everyday activities. Wether it be when I'm lifting, running or even when I'm training on the mat. Sometimes I can find God when I'm doing things like cooking or driving. Again, it's made a huge difference in my life over the last 3 years that I've been doing it. Just for the record, I'm not even the slightest bit religious and I don't believe God is a man in the sky judging me. I just believe in something greater than myself.
  13. She's obviously in need of some help but at the same time this guy is a huge douche. HE married her, and I'm sure her behavior isn't a brand new development. For him to mock and YouTube his wife throwing a fit is sick behavior as well and isn't what I would call love.
  14. Holy crap, that's the pharmacist at the CVS I go to. I see her there all the time
  15. Yes, thank you for bringing some good sense to this thread. I swear some fans think this is Madden football.
  16. Calories in/out is the best guideline but Its not just as simple as that, for a few reasons. Not all calories are equal. Someone who is eating 250g of protein/250g of carbs and 50g of fat is roughly consuming 2500 cal a day. Someone who is consuming 200g of fat, 75g of protein and 75g of carbs is also around 2500 cal. Who do you think is healthier? Our bodies do different things with each macro nutrient, and each macro digests differently as well as burns off differently, some calories absorb quickly and some barely at all. This is a good read: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1200993/Why-calorie-counting-makes-fat.html#ixzz1CupQHZSJ
  17. My bench started going up when I started doing weighted dips, IMO weighted dips are the absolute best chest exercise for chest there is. I hear you man, The best advice I could give you is to play around with your carb/sugar intake. As good as fruit is for you its got soooooo much sugar in it, try eating the fruits as early in the day as possible.
  18. I go to bed around 9PM sometimes 10 and yes I'm well aware of the studies that show lack of sleep not only increase weight but also impede muscle recuperation, however this is an overemphasized aspect IMO. If diet and training are spot on, you can get away with 5 hours of sleep, hell I got less than 4 hours of sleep a night when I was in basic training and my body adapted
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