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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. I don't get the blowout talk, I expect the Bills to win 23-14.
  2. I think our defense is hitting it's stride and matches up well against Brady and his boys.
  3. Your posts are always so informative and insightful. You also seem like a really upbeat kind of guy. You're truly an asset to this board.
  4. That's True Detective and it airs on HBO Jan 12th
  5. I'm really looking forward to True Detective on HBO.
  6. I'm glad they won these last 2 games and I hope they win on Sunday. Losing to get a better draft spot is a losers mentality and I'm grateful that the team I root for don't have that type of attitude. I've made this point before but if you look at the last few Super Bowl winners you'll see that the ones who built from the draft(Packers, Ravens, Steelers and Giants) have only had 1 top 5 selection in the last 10 years. That was Eli to the Giants. The successful teams draft well REGARDLES of where they pick. It's not about WHERE you pick but how well you pick. This lose to draft is a fairy tale, this isn't Madden. Furthermore you act on the assumption that they would've draft Kuechly, if they really wanted a CB and they would've just lost 3 more games maybe they would've drafted Claiborne who has been benched because of poor play. I'll work off of that assumption and you work off of yours. Again, it's more about HOW WELL you draft than WHERE you draft
  7. It looks like a ripoff of Moneyball with a lesser cast.
  8. Agreed, I may be wrong but it looks bad. I'll watch it, simply because it's about football. I hope surprised.
  9. Both of Whaleys trades have really worked out for us. Very happy with this front office so far. Good draft, good FA pickups and a couple of nice trades.
  10. Oh GOOD! Mr. Sunshine is back. I was starting to think we weren't terrible for a minute. Glad you're back with your over the top optimism to bring me back to earth.
  11. Does everyone realize that Gailey offense wasn't all that great his first year here? Gaileys offenses were good but it took time. It's Hackett and Marrones first year w a rookie and 2 UDFA QBs and they've put up more offensive yards in 15 games than Gailey did in 16 his first season. Not saying that Hacket is better or even equal to but let's stop romanticizing Gailey and give these new Bills some time.
  12. People handle things like death differently, to suggest that Stevie or the Bills should act in a certain manner is ridiculous. Football is just a stupid game, his mom died a week ago, let him do his thing.
  13. Wait til the trade Fred for a 3rd rounder posts start to pop up. I gaurantee there will be at least 3 this offseason.
  14. Win Win Win. Losing out is a losers mentality.
  15. You know I wouldn't be against Carlos Hyde in the third if we could get him there.
  16. I think you'd be surprised on my views of weed. In fact my views on the legality of drugs in general is pretty liberal, my argument isn't whether or not I think weed should be legal or not, it's whether it's harmful and a gateway. The answers are yes to both of those things. Is it more harmful than alcohol? No, not in my opinion. But is it harmful? Yes.
  17. Still failing to realize why you think I seperate alcohol and drugs. They both activate the same mechanism for addicts/alcoholics. There is no difference other than substance. Just so you know I'm not against weed or those that smoke it. I just think it's ignorant to ignore the harm it can do. I think weed should be legal, but don't tell me it's not a gateway drug.
  18. Not in this context, you said that the gateway was legality. Scripts are legal. I contest that the gateway is the feeling you get In the hundreds of drug addicts I've worked with I have yet to find one that says their addiction had anything to do with it being illegal. It's the same thing every time- they liked the feeling it gave them and they wanted to escape for a "little while"
  19. Where I disagree with this is that a lot of people get hooked on drugs thru prescriptions. Opiate and barbiturate abuse a lot of times can be attributed to careless doctors.
  20. Of course it is. Like I said, drug abusers very rarely start with opiates or cocaine. People by nature work their way up.
  21. Are we arguing the legality of weed? Because I have no problem with being it legal, but legal or not it IS a gateway drug.
  22. Exiled, I know from experience. I'm a drug addict with 3 years sober and I started with weed, just like the hundreds of people I've worked with over that amount of time. People do not just start shooting up heroin, and smoking weed doesn't mean you'll eventually shoot up heroin either BUT those that shoot heroin most of the time start with alcohol or weed.
  23. I can tell you right now that I work with addicts everyday, 90% of them are in recovery for an opiate addiction that started out with smoking weed, drinking alcohol and then it leads to the harder stuff. i can count on one hand the amount of addicts I've met in the last 3 years that jumped right into an opiate or cocaine addiction without smoking weed beforehand.
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