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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. BRO every QB you like SUCKS. You are the George Costanza of football.
  2. Have you looked at TE Colts draft picks over the last 2 years? Other than Luck, Fleener and Hilton it's pretty bad. Couple that in with a couple of horrendous trades and is say that IMO the Hilton pick was an aberration for their front office. Again, Luck and Pagano are the reasons this team is any good.
  3. Hollywood hocus pocus!!! It's all camera tricks and cgi. EJ has slow eyes and terrible accuracy, the QB experts here have told me so, and I trust them over any fancy machines and arcade game Mumbo Jumbo. Nice try ESPN.
  4. I love this game. The colts could've also drafted Alshon Jeffery in the second instead of spending both their 2nd and 3rd round picks on TEs. They also traded a 1st for Richardson and traded Hughes for Sheppard. They fell into Luck by sucking but lets not go praising what seems to be a very inept FO as if late. BTW if the Bills FO made those same three moves that the Colts have this board would literally explode. Luck and Pagano are the reason the colts are in the playoffs, getting lucky on TY Hilton is not.
  5. What's everyone's confidence level that they end this at?
  6. Good point. Someone should email Kiper and find out what his confidence level is in EJ.
  7. It is trolling. If someone else would have posted this WEO would've responded with "So you want the Bills to model what the Jets are doing?"
  8. Yep, I'm longing for the days of threads about blue pants.
  9. Shhhh it doesn't count when the Bills do it
  10. Oh all of the sudden we should take ques from one of the worst drafting franchises in NFL history? The same franchise that has YouTube videos of disappointed fans losing their minds at each pick? Ooookkayyy. Either way the Jets are dumb if they draft a QB early, they have so few offensive weapons it's laughable. They would be best served to see what Geno can do with a good, consistent running game and another WR and someone who can play TE. If they do draft a QB and leave the rest of the cupboard baren they will ruin another young QB. IMO it's just posturing by them, nothing more
  11. What ever happened to Steely Dan?
  12. What is this "tape" you guys are watching? How does one go about getting "tape" on a player? I mean, I know that there are YouTube videos on players but that is hardly watching tape on someone. A highlight reel or a condensed game are not tape at all. Where are you guys getting your game films from?
  13. Great effing job Yolo, not only on the thread but the content as well. It's really nice to see a positive post for once. This board just became readable again.
  14. The Dean and it's not even close. Deano was a good dude. Bingo! And Bingo! This board is filled with negativity and hate. It's exhausting.
  15. No way! You're lying. You mean Cower wouldn't come in here and win the Super Bowl year one? What about George Seifert? People's expectations are so out of whack it's borderline insane.
  16. No not at all, I think someone with zero posts had just as much credibility as someone with 10,000 when it comes to knowledge of the game. HOWEVER many people start threads here without using the search function to see if something has already been discussed or maybe just to troll and get people riled up. Sometimes they start threads without reading the rules, like starting new threads during the game. It's not an unreasonable thought, if you want to take offense to it that's fine. I've been coming here since the day we drafted Erik Flowers and have seen this board grow, I love coming here but every offseason it's the same- a lot of trolling and unnecessary threads on things that have been discussed ad nauseam. Was making a suggestion. People are so freakin sensitive.
  17. Love the difference in this years defense, however it takes more than one season(usually) for a unit to reach its potential. The players are not only learning a new and complicated system but they're also learning how to play with each other in that system. On top of that you have a new DC and defensive coaches that are learning their players and what those players strengths and weaknesses are. Add to that a generally young group of players being led by a rookie MLB. I'm not making excuses but to expect them to be consistent at this point is a little much. Lets give them another season of playing together and see what happens. Leading the league in sacks and ints is a very good start and is one hell of a foundation to build off of.
  18. Good one dude. If you want to take offense and take a shot back then good for you but my comment was not an attack on you but instead on the repetitive offseason "sign this guy" "what about hiring this guy" threads. There will be 10 more hire Cower posts before the draft, it the same every year.
  19. Mods, when can we start making a post minnimum before starting threads. This might be a good time to start that.
  20. Good grief.
  21. It's going to be a looooooooong moronic offseason. Can't wait.
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