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Hazed and Amuzed

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Everything posted by Hazed and Amuzed

  1. There won't be enough crow to go around for all the "Whaley screwed up" crowd.
  2. I own 2 jerseys: SJ13 Kiko Arguably those are my 2 favs. Fred has a special place in my heart. Aaron Williams is quickly rocketing up the board though.
  3. Nope. Regardless of what the Cheerio pissers around here say, Byrd is tops at his position. He's been an all pro 3 out of his 5 years in the league. That's outstanding People running around here saying he's too slow or not great in run support are as ridiculous as people who used to say Zach Thomas is too short or Wes Welker is too slow to beat you deep. Who cares? Byrd can run a 7 second 40 and bench 135, I don't care as long as her performs. And the guy has performed
  4. Like bandit says, it's due dilligence. I highly doubt he's an early target for them, although who knows. Whaley so far has my confidence, so until I see him start messing up I'll trust him.
  5. +10000000 Glad to see rationality around here. You're a solid contributor to the board K-9, one of the reasons I stay around here is posters like you.
  6. As terrible as Sanchez has been, he's also shown(very few) flashes. He's still young and honestly he could still develop into an avg QB or even a good game manager. I'm not buying what this site is selling but I wouldn't hate it if Sanchez was brought in for a look and earned a backup role.
  7. No one is disputing the value of trading Byrd, however claiming that Whaley is stupid based on him not fulfilling someone's assumptions is ridiculous. It makes as much sense as me praising Whaley for letting Byrd walk because Jairus' plantar fasciitis will probably end his career. BTW Fans here assume that there were trade partners for Byrd. Fans here also assumed that Cordy Glen wouldn't be there in the 2nd, that Fred Jackson and Kyle Williams careers were done and that Mario would never sign.
  8. What a dolt that Whaley is!!! I can't believe that he would pass up a guaranteed trade with the Rams!!! It's obvious that the Rams were going to give up the 2nd pick for Byrd, I mean how could he miss it? BTW do you have the link that shows that the Rams were willing to trade draft picks for Byrd? I can't seem to find it. I mean I know that it's not just speculation on your part of what you'd like to see happen, it's something that definitely would've transpired. Teams are usually very eager to give up picks for FS's that are on a 1 year franchise tag tender without knowing if that player will sign long term. Draft picks have no real value to any team other than the Bills when we want trades to work out in their favor. So, anyways.... Do you have that link?
  9. Since that Super Bowl win the Colts have drafted 1 pro bowler(Luck) which has been the only "can't miss" player to come out in years. They traded a 1st round pick for a bust RB and traded Jerry Hughes for Kelvin Sheppard. What had the Colts FO done in the last 6 or 7 years to impress you so much? Oh yeah they let Peyton Manning walk too, he set all kinds of records this year BTW and took his team to the SB. I'm serious asking, other than possibly hiring Pagano or falling into Luck, what exactly have they done that's good? Sorry but is take the Bills brass at this point. BTW Polian built that SB team, that FO has sucked since
  10. Yeah but that front office will find a way to screw that up, the Colts FO is terrible IMO.
  11. You know it's more of a feel than anything else. Maggie and Glen remind me of Sun and Jin, the CDC reminded me of the hatch, Jack and Rick both have that flawed leader thing going for them. The Governers peeps reminded me of the others and the way the some of the others were absorbed into the main story line has happened with the Walking Dead. Again I know that some things are kind of a stretch but I just have the same feel with WD as I did w Lost.
  12. Anyone else notice similarities between Walking Dead and Lost? I've been picking up on things since season 2.
  13. So when you discuss EJ Manuel which category are you falling under?
  14. Can somebody dumb down the message board please? It's a little advanced for some
  15. Always looking to argue arent we? When did I say I disagreed? I said you were a ray of sunshine. You even quoted it. Help me out..
  16. And here's WEO's ray of sunshine to brighten up the thread.
  17. Awesome!!! Like I said Do you own a company and may I have a job? Because I will cash your checks ALL day and bad mouth your company while half assing it. You think I'm a nice guy? lol I've been called a lot of things in my time, never once do I remember anyone calling me nice. If you're willing to pay me 9 million to malinger I'll show you just how nice I am. Truth is I own 2 businesses and paying a malcontent employee an enormous payday when there might be a even a hint that he may screw you in the long run is very very bad business. There's no nice or not nice about it, it's smart mature business to move on. Also to say the Bills got nothing for Byrd is an entitled way to look at things. We got 4 years of cheap labor for an all pro, be grateful.
  18. So as a business owner you'd be willing to pay an employee over 8 mil a year who is likely to hold out, sit out and hates working for you? Someone who may or may not be detriment to the team out of sheer spite? Interesting. 2 questions for you. 1. Do you own a business and 2. Are you hiring? Because I can half ass it for you and call out all year if your willing to pay me 8 mil out of spite.
  19. So judging by this statement, you are just as on board with Byrd faking(or not) an injury to sit out almost half the season to prove a point? Being that the NFL has it's own standards of business, it must mean that its perfectly okay for players to do things like hold out and malinger if it's okay for teams to hold players against their will. Were you rooting for Byrd to to hold out? Did you just write it off as ethical? Or is it only ethical when things go your way? I want Byrd to be here as much as anyone but I sure as hell don't want to hold a player here against their will. If they dislike playing in Buffalo so much that they wont sign a 10mil contract, then why not just let them go? If I'm a player who's contract is coming up and I see the Bills management do something like that I'm dipping the first chance I get. Byrd played 4 years under a 2nd round rookie contract, he was an all pro. We got more than what we paid for from him, now he's moving on and so should we. No sense in acting like the sky is falling or being butt hurt about it. People can call Whaley stupid or a moron but he at least comes across as an adult, more than what I can say for more than half this board.
  20. You realize that Brandon was the GM and drafted both Levitre and Byrd, the two greatest players in Buffalo history don't you? How can Byrd be so good and Brandon be so bad? Wrap your mind around that one.
  21. Byrd gave us 4 years on a 2nd round rookie contract. He was a pro bowler and an all pro. I think we got more from him then he got from us. The guy doesn't want to be here, let em go.
  22. Yeah!!! Tell'em!!!! We will not be stifled!
  23. He was an all-pro and pro bowler who played on a 2nd round rookie contract. I'm pretty sure we got a return on our investment.
  24. I swear, some of you people are just bad business. Making players like Byrd stay when they've made it obvious and clear that they don't want to be here is just really bad business, no matter how you slice it. We drafted Byrd, he played out his contract, we made him more than one offer and he didn't take them. Why treat him like a red headed step child? Why make someone stay against their will or trade them to a team they don't want to play for? Why would you want someone on the Bills that is here against their will? As much as I hate to see Byrd go, and I really hate seeing him go, Whaley is acting like a professional here and not some bush league whiny baby who is butt hurt that a player didn't want to be here. It sucks that Byrd doesn't want to play here but he did his time and did it well.
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